Week 5 - Les 1 & 2

Week 5 - Lesson 1
0-15      Start / What are we going to do this lesson?
  • Check exercises last week
  • Info planner + tests period 1 reminder
15-40    F: Listening - Learning Languages
40-70    Work on your own
  • G: Reading
  • Words about Listening & Reading
70-80  Goal check & Check vocab - Quizlet

- You can understand a conversation about learning languages
- You can complete a gaptext
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72
1 / 27
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 27 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 80 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Week 5 - Lesson 1
0-15      Start / What are we going to do this lesson?
  • Check exercises last week
  • Info planner + tests period 1 reminder
15-40    F: Listening - Learning Languages
40-70    Work on your own
  • G: Reading
  • Words about Listening & Reading
70-80  Goal check & Check vocab - Quizlet

- You can understand a conversation about learning languages
- You can complete a gaptext
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Exercise 30 - Example key:
Dear Mr and Mrs Bianchi,

My name is Merel and I live in the Netherlands. I like reading and I am on the school’s hockey team. I go to school in Utrecht, a city in the middle of the country. 
At the moment, my classmates and I are preparing ourselves for the exchange. I love meeting new people and visiting new places. It’s exciting, isn't it? 

I can’t wait to meet you both!


Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Period 1 - Planner
Repetitie Chapter 1 in Week 8 (= vrijdag over 3 weken)

Leerdoelen: (terug te vinden in de klas 3 planner)
You know the meaning of all the words and expressions related to describing people (chapter 1)
You can maintain a conversation in English
You can express agreement and disagreement
You know the function of important words in a gaptext, so you can fill in the gaps.
You can use gerunds and infinitive in a sentence
You can form words with some- , any-, every-, no-
You can understand the message in lyrics and express your opinion on this.

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Period 1 - Planner
Na repetitie Chapter 1:
  • Reading a book
  • Practise SE Kijk-Luister vaardigheid (CITO)

In toetsweek:
  • SE Kijk-Luister vaardigheid

Cijfers periode 1:
  • Repetitie Chapter 1 (weging 5)
  • SE KLV (weging 6)
  • Portfolio (weging 2)

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

F: Listening - What's important?
Before listening:
  1. What is it about? 
  2. What do I know about it?
  3. What do they want to know? 

Topic: Learning Languages

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

How old were you when you first started learning a second language?

Slide 7 - Open vraag

Which language was
the first 2nd language
you learned?

Slide 8 - Woordweb

What other language would you like to learn? Why?

Slide 9 - Open vraag

F: Listening - What's important?
Before listening:
  1. What is it about? 
  2. What do I know about it?
  3. What do they want to know? 

Read through exercise 35, p. 56 - in silence

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

F: Listening - What's important?
While listening:
  1. Focus
  2. Don't panic - Couldn't hear your answer? Guess and go on
  3. Pay attention to important words about the topic

Do exercise 35a / 35b*                                                               

Learning Languages

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

F: Listening - Answers exercise 35

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Week 5 
To do now: (30 min.)

F: Listening   -> exercise 37, p. 57
G: Reading    -> exercise 40, 41, 42 & 43, p. 56-61
Study words Listening & Reading(G), page 72

Last 10 minutes - Words check!

- You can complete a gaptext
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Goal check:
Why would you want to learn a new language?

Slide 14 - Open vraag

Goal check:
How can you learn a new language?

Slide 15 - Open vraag

Goal check: Words - Listening 
Quizlet (click here)

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Week 5 - Lesson 2
0-5       Start / What are we going to do this lesson?
5-15     Words check: Theme Words
15-35  Grammar topic: Gerund & to + infinitive
40-70  Getting better 
  • Practice grammar
  • Finish exercises G: Reading
  • Words about Listening & Reading
70-80  Goal check: grammar quiz

- You can use gerunds and to+infinitive in a sentence
- You can complete a gap text
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72-73

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Notebook exercise - Words check 
Translate the following words:

1. anxiety                                                      7. ability
2. behaviour                                               8. bring up
3. conversation                                         9. fluently
4. laughter                                                  10. opportunity
5. recognise                                               11. reason
6. yawn                                                         12. stupid
- You can use gerunds and to+infinitive in a sentence
- You can complete a gap text
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72-73

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Notebook exercise - Words check 
Translate the following words:

1. anxiety = angst/bezorgdheid        7. ability = vaardigheid
2. behaviour = gedrag                           8. bring up = opvoeden
3. conversation = gesprek                  9. fluently = vloeiend
4. laughter = gelach                              10. opportunity = mogelijkheid
5. recognise = herkennen                  11. reason = reden
6. yawn = gapen                                      12. stupid = stom, dom
- You can use gerunds and to+infinitive in a sentence
- You can complete a gap text
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72-73

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Grammar topic:
Gerund & to + infinitive
Gerund is een werkwoord dat gebruikt wordt als zelfstandig naamwoord.
Als je je mening geeft in het Engels, gebruik je vaak de 'Gerund'. 
na een werkwoord zoals love, like, hate (etc) krijgt het werkwoord +ing
I love going to festivals.
We don't like writing emails.
Do you like watching films?
- You can use gerunds and to+infinitive in a sentence
- You can complete a gap text
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72-73

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Grammar topic:
Gerund & to + infinitive
Na een werkwoord komt soms to + infinitive 
Als je aangeeft in het Engels dat je iets wilt/verwacht/hoopt, gebruik je 'to + infinitive'
na een werkwoord zoals want, expect, plan (etc) krijg je to + hoofdwerkwoord
I want to volunteer at the community centre.
They expect to get enough money.
We plan to start at 2 o'clock.
- You can use gerunds and to + infinitive in a sentence
- You can complete a gap text
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72-73

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

From your book
Gerund or to + infinitive
= Gerund
= to + infinitive

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Example: I like talking about grammar.
= Gerund
= to + infinitive
Gerund /OR/ to + infinitive

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Example: I promise to marry you.
= Gerund
= to + infinitive
Gerund /OR/ to + infinitive

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Check your understanding
They love ............ (read) the book.                       READING / TO READ
They promised .............(sell) the old comics. SELLING  / TO SELL
We expect .............(stop) the training.              STOPPING / TO STOP
I hate ...............(play) games.                                  PLAYING / TO PLAY

- I can use gerunds and to+infinitive in a sentence
- I know words page 72 & 73

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Week 5 
To do now: (30 min.)


Then: (finish) exercises 37, 40, 41, 42 & 43, p. 56-61

Done everything? Study words Listening & Reading(G), page 72

Last 10 minutes - Grammar understanding check!

- You can complete a gaptext
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72
Practise Gerund & To+Infinitive
Exercise 1: click here
Exercise 2: click here
Exercise 3: click here
Exercise 4: click here

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

Week 5 
To do now: (30 min.)


Then: Exercise 37, 40, 41, 42 & 43, p. 56-61

Finished? Study words Listening & Reading(G), page 72

Last 10 minutes - Grammar understanding check! click here: 

- You can complete a gaptext
- You know words list Listening & Reading, page 72
Practise Gerund & To+Infinitive
Exercise 1: click here
Exercise 2: click here
Exercise 3: click here
Exercise 4: click here

Slide 27 - Tekstslide