In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides en 2 videos.
Onderdelen in deze les
Good Morning
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Unit 4
In some genres, writers are able to use their creativity to transgress the bounds of space and time through exploring familiar themes in unfamiliar settings.
This is a Latin phrase that literally means 'person(s) of drama'
(it is a plural noun but can be treated as singular or plural).
It is a list of the main characters and some of the lesser ones, in a book or play, with information about who they are, to whom they are related, and what they look like.
Which of the qualities of the IB learner profile does your chosen character have?
2. Create a document in which you analyse your character's profile and add proof from the book by using quotes you have come across. Explain the relevance of the chosen quotes.
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