Introduction Conspiracy Theories

Capture Attention

Here are a few good phrases to get you started.

    Have you ever heard ---- [insert interesting fact or shocking statement]?
    When we started preparing for this talk, we thought ---- [tell your story, share your quote or experience]…
Let me ask you a question ---- [ask a question to get your audience thinking]

1 / 49
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 49 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 4 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Capture Attention

Here are a few good phrases to get you started.

    Have you ever heard ---- [insert interesting fact or shocking statement]?
    When we started preparing for this talk, we thought ---- [tell your story, share your quote or experience]…
Let me ask you a question ---- [ask a question to get your audience thinking]

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Introduction of group and topic

Take questions?

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Mystery of Easter Island

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Possible answers
Our thoughts

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Index cards

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Kick off Period 3
On your desk: Notebook, Pen + Laptop (closed)

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In your notebook
1. What are your goals this period?

2. What tests do you have?

3. How can you study for these tests?

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What is .....
  • Mystery.         /ˈmɪst(ə)ri/. 
  • 1. something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.  "the mysteries of outer space"
  • (2. a novel, play, or film dealing with a puzzling crime, especially a murder.)

  • Conspiracy theory.         /kənˈspɪr.ə.si ˌθɪə.ri/
  • A belief that an event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people.

  • Debunk.        /ˌdiːˈbʌŋk/
  • to expose the sham or falseness of a belief.

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What do you know?

  • Which mysteries and conspiracy theories can you think of?

  • Introduction to Conspiracies and Mysteries, page 11

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Your turn
  • Download the reader (Magister - Studiewijzers - P3)
  • Make groups of 3 for the speaking test.
  • Give your names to the teacher

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Your Presentation is about ...

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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Slide 12 - Video

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A: Mossad
C: Martin Luther King
B: Cure for cancer
D: Freemasons
1: Assassinations
3: Secret and Fraternal Societies
2: Suppressed inventions
4: Intelligence Agencies

Slide 13 - Sleepvraag

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Slide 14 - Video

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You know what your topic is
You divided the roles
You find information about your topic.

You learned some vocabulary related to conspiracy theories.

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Pre Teach
Conspiracy Theory

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Conspiracy theories

Slide 17 - Woordweb

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Slide 18 - Video

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Slide 19 - Video

COnspiracy - secret, planned, evil intentions
Why do people need this? To feel a sense of control in times of anxiety
Conformation bias - you believe in something that you want to be true. You only notice evidence which already supports your opinion.

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Start your project
Remember HACO?
Work together, find information to use in your presentation.

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Show what you know about Conspiracy theories
You can use vocabulary related to conspiracy theories.

You learn about the Bermuda Triangle.

You lean about the introduction of your presentation.

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Question for placemat
What makes conspiracy stories so popular?

Use the information from the homework (page 13) and/or think of your own explanation.


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Bermuda Triangle

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

reader page 14
Page 14 Bermuda Triangle


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Goal this week
Show what you know about Conspiracy theories
You can use vocabulary related to conspiracy theories.

You learn about the Bermuda Triangle and Easter Island Mysteries.

You lean about the introduction of your presentation.

We study a text for the Reading test.

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Introduction of group and topic

Take questions?

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Capture Attention

Here are a few good phrases to get you started.

    Did you know that [insert an interesting fact or shocking statement]?
    Have you ever heard that [insert interesting fact or shocking statement]?
    When we started preparing for this talk, we thought [tell your story, share your quote or experience]…

Slide 28 - Tekstslide

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Goal this week
Show what you know about Conspiracy theories
You can use vocabulary related to conspiracy theories.

You learn about the Bermuda Triangle and Easter Island Mysteries.

You lean about the introduction of your presentation.

We study a text for the Reading test.


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Friday 10 Feb: Bermuda Triangle / Easter Island
Monday 13 Feb: Stonehenge / Flat Earth
Wednesday 15 Feb: Lady Di / Anti Vaccination
Monday 20 Feb: Area 51 / Loch Ness
Wednesday 22: 9/11 / Moon Landing

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Friday 10 Feb: Bermuda Triangle / Easter Island
Monday 13 Feb: Stonehenge / Flat Earth
Wednesday 15 Feb: Lady Di / Anti Vaccination
Monday 20 Feb: Area 51 / Loch Ness
Wednesday 22: 9/11 / Moon Landing

These statues were made some 500 years ago by the inhabitants of the Easter Island, a tiny Island in the South Pacific Ocean.

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If you had lived on this Island 500 years ago, and were part of the construction and moving of the statues, how would you move one of the approximately 887 statues? On average, they are 9 meters tall and weigh at least 14.000 kilos a piece.

Devise a plan. Make your plan visual and do not use any resources besides your personal knowledge.

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Passive voice

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Passive Voice.
The pyramids were built by the Egyptians.

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Passive Voice.
The workers were paid with beer.

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Passive Voice.
Many stones have been taken

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Passive Voice.
The Sphinx has been damaged by wind.

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Passive Voice.
Egypt is visited by 10m people every year.

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Passive Voice.
The pyramids are found near the river.

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Focus on the action, not the person.
Many stones have been taken (by tourists)
  • Tourists have taken many stones

The pyramids are found near the river
  • We find the pyramids near the river

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We         speak       English
Subject       verb           object

English                is                   spoken (by us)
Subject             be                past participle

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The pyramids were built by the Egyptians.
The workers were paid with beer.
Many stones have been taken.
The Sphinx has been damaged by wind.
Egypt is visited by 10m people every year.
The pyramids are found near the river.

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Main Idea

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Activate               Adapt            Interpret

Don't know it
Have heard of it but not sure of its meaning
Know something about its meaning
Know it well

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Slide 45 - Sleepvraag

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Why Making Mistakes ...
Do the questions

Choose 2 difficult words in the text
Find 3 synonyms for these words


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On your desk
Notebook + pen

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You can give feedback to a group
You can give your opinion on a mystery.

Visuals - Flow - Questions - New Insights - Feedback

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Capture Attention

Here are a few good phrases to get you started.

    Did you know that [insert an interesting fact or shocking statement]?
    Have you ever heard that [insert interesting fact or shocking statement]?
    When we started preparing for this talk, we thought [tell your story, share your quote or experience]…

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