In deze les zitten 38 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.
Lesduur is: 90 min
Onderdelen in deze les
You have 5 minutes to:
1. Go to your seats
2. Grab your book, pen notebook and laptop
3. Log in to LessonUp
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Goals for today: At the end of this Lesson...
1. I can pick up specific informtation from a listening sample.
2. I can use words that have to do with showbizz.
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Homework check
If your name is mentioned, bring your homework.
Finish exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4 of Getting Started on pages 132 & 133
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Match the following items with their correct definition
To applaud
To gossip
Red carpet
Slide 4 - Sleepvraag
Make a sentence with the word: Bijvoorbeeld
Slide 5 - Open vraag
Explain the word 'charity' in youw own words.
Slide 6 - Open vraag
Watching strategy TIPS!
Determining your watching objective
There are 3 different types of watching:
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
1. Who what where when how?
Determining the main idea: you find out what the video is about by answering the WH-questions: who / what is it about? Where, when, why and how does it take place?
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
2 Watching to get specific information:
You want to find out specific details, for example someone’s age, the name of a city or the price of a product.
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
3 Watching to get detailed understanding:
You want to understand all the information from the video.
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Final tip!
Before you watch a video, you should determine your watching objective. This will help you find the right answers during watching.
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
What do you know about Hollywood?
Slide 12 - Woordweb
Watch a clip
We are going to watch a clip about the history of Hollywood.
Pay attention and answer the questions as they show up on the screen.
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Slide 14 - Video
Work time
What: Do exercises 5 & 8 of A watching on pages 134 & 135.
Do exercises 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15 & 16 of B Theme words on pages 136 - 139
How: Close your laptop, grab your stepping stones and go to page 134
Help: Your classmates
Time: 10 minutes
Done: Raise your hand and show me your work. Make Flashcards of the vocabulary of A watching & B theme words
Slide 15 - Tekstslide
Fill in the gap: Hollywood is the _____ capital of the world.
Slide 16 - Open vraag
Which company does not belong in the big 6.
Warner bros.
Walt Disney Pictures
20th Century Fox
Slide 17 - Quizvraag
To which city did Harvey Henry Wilcox move?
Slide 18 - Open vraag
H.J Whitley is also known as?
Slide 19 - Open vraag
Fill in the gap: 'Holly' would represent England and 'wood' would represent his ____ heritage.
Slide 20 - Open vraag
Name a reason why Los Angeles became the capital of the film industry.
Slide 21 - Open vraag
Fill in the gap: The mounstaind, plains and low land _____ made Hollywood to establish film studios.
Slide 22 - Open vraag
How many films did Hollywood produce in the 1930s?
Slide 23 - Open vraag
When was the 'Hollywood walk of fame' created?
Slide 24 - Quizvraag
What is the home of the Oscars?
Lincoln centre
Dolby Theatre
The Beverly Hilton
Slide 25 - Quizvraag
To Do:
Finish exercises 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15 & 16 of B Theme words on pages 136 - 139
To Study:
Vocabulary A watching & theme words on page 170
Slide 26 - Tekstslide
You have 5 minutes to:
1. Go to your seats
2. Grab your book, pen notebook and laptop
3. Log in to LessonUp
Slide 27 - Tekstslide
Goals for today: At the end of this Lesson...
1. I can use linking words.
2. I can understand a text about a ghost producer.
Slide 28 - Tekstslide
What did we do last lesson?
Slide 29 - Woordweb
What does a chain do?
What do a chain and linking word have in common?
Slide 30 - Tekstslide
They create a connection
What do a chain and linking word have in common?
Slide 31 - Tekstslide
Google: linking words What do you find?
Slide 32 - Open vraag
Linking words
Linking words bring structure to a text and link the paragraphs to one another.
I love vanilla, the smell reminds me of sweets and ice cream
Furthermore it tastes amazing in desserts!
For example a nice Crème brûlée.
Slide 33 - Tekstslide
Linking words
They can also help you put a text in the right order
Or find a specific piece of text like an opinion!
Slide 34 - Tekstslide
Work time
How: Click on the link. Choose which one you want to do first.
Help: Your classmates
Time: 15 minutes
Done: Do exercises 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 of C reading on pages 140 - 143