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Les 2
What to expect from me:
I am rooting for you to get the best possible results
I love to give positive feedback
I will talk to you if things need improvement, but I will not talk down on you
I try to keep an open mind
I like a relaxed and positive environment
I love motivated students
I will speak as much English as possible to create a rich learning environment
I like a classroom in which we can learn from each other
What I expect from you:
I expect you to bring your book & pen
Be respectful to each other
No rude behaviour or language
Treat your classmates in the same way you like to be treated
If you have questions, feel free to ask
Try to keep an open mind
Be motivated
Bring positive vibes into this classroom
If you disagree with me or a classmate, always remain respectful
1 / 12
Slide 1:
Studiejaar 1
In deze les zitten
12 slides
, met
interactieve quiz
1 video
Lesduur is:
60 min
Start les
Onderdelen in deze les
What to expect from me:
I am rooting for you to get the best possible results
I love to give positive feedback
I will talk to you if things need improvement, but I will not talk down on you
I try to keep an open mind
I like a relaxed and positive environment
I love motivated students
I will speak as much English as possible to create a rich learning environment
I like a classroom in which we can learn from each other
What I expect from you:
I expect you to bring your book & pen
Be respectful to each other
No rude behaviour or language
Treat your classmates in the same way you like to be treated
If you have questions, feel free to ask
Try to keep an open mind
Be motivated
Bring positive vibes into this classroom
If you disagree with me or a classmate, always remain respectful
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Planning & aims
Let's recap on expectations
Start off in the reader "English for hairdressers"
By the end of this lesson:
You will know the expectations by heart
You will have made a start in your reader
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Have a look at p 7 in your reader
Look at the text : Why choose a career in the beauty industry?
Reading tips.....
Look for keywords
Read the first and last sentence of a paragraph
Read in circles (first globally and then more precise)
Try to guess the meaning of an unknown word from it's context
Write down difficult words so you can look these up later
Read the full text, then the questions and follow by scanning the text for answers
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
First...Time to discuss the answers to exercise 1
Secondly........ The following slide connects you to an alternative version of exercise 2
Good luck!
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Slide 5 - Link
Tips for listening...
Know the test!
Read the questions first
Practice, practice, practice
It’s all about the keywords
Pay attention to details
Open your earballs!
You can find the questions on p 9 & 10 in your reader
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
The following slide will direct us to a video... Don't forget to open your earballs!
You will do an assignment afterwords
TIP! look at the questions in your reader
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
Slide 8 - Video
3 reasons Racheal's salon runs well
They don't do "power booking"
Because of "power booking"
Employees contribute (bijdragen) to a positive vibe
Employees look amazing
They sell an incredible make-up brand
They only sell products they believe in
Slide 9 - Sleepvraag
Answer these 4 questions in your reader on p 9 & 10
4. Rachael at some point says: “I will only sell a product if it sells itself” What do you think this means?
5. Do you think Rachael’s salon would make a good place for a workplace training? Why?
3. What does this mean? "Do you chug your issues away at the door? "
2. What's so important about the one on one experience in Racheal's salon?
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
By the end of this lesson:
Do you know the expectations by heart?
Have you made a start in your reader?
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
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