1. What is the effect of the chosen headlines? How does passive or active voice influence this?
2. Which newspaper headlines are broadsheet and which are tabloid?
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
Activity: Feature Article
A feature article typically focuses on a special event, topical issue, place or person. Articles of this type have many features in common with news reports (for instance, the use of direct and reported speech and relative clauses), but tend to be more detailed so are usually longer.
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Activity: Feature article
Analyse the following article using the prompts and questions.
Use the Internet to find some feature articles from International (English language) newspapers. Choose two different ones and download the text (either as pdf or copy/paste on a document)
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
Pick one of the articles and work on the following questions:
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Analysing Feature Article
Get together with someone and share your article.
Talk about it together.
After the first round we do it again but in different pairs
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