The answer will always be a single word.Contractions (e.g. don’t, we’ve, won’t) count as two words. However, can’t is a contraction of cannot, which is one word.
Sometimes, there is more than one correct answer. Cambridge will always account for this and all options will be accepted. However, you should not write more than one answer.
Correct spelling is essential for all of the FCE Use of English paper.
Read the text before and after each gap before answering.
If the answer is a verb, check that you are using the correct form and that it agrees with its subject.
The same word is unlikely to be used to fill two different gaps within one text.
Always read the text quickly before you start to get a general idea. This should not take more than 1 minute.
Don’t spend lots of time on a word you don’t know. Losing time on this activity might cost you points later in the exam because you won’t have enough time to do other tasks well.
Check your answers, your spelling and don’t copy the example onto the answer sheet!