Exploring Negative Numbers

Exploring Negative Numbers
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Exploring Negative Numbers

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Learning Objective
Understand negative numbers and how to use them in everyday situations.

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What do you already know about negative numbers?

Slide 3 - Woordweb

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What Are Negative Numbers?
Negative numbers are numbers less than zero. They are used to represent debts, temperatures below zero, and other situations where there is a decrease or a loss.

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Number Line
A number line can be used to represent negative numbers. It extends to the left of zero, showing numbers getting smaller as we move left.

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Comparing Numbers
When comparing positive and negative numbers, the closer a number is to zero, the greater it is. -3 is greater than -5.

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Adding Negative Numbers
When adding negative numbers, we move to the left on the number line. -3 + (-2) = -5

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Subtracting Negative Numbers
Subtracting a negative number is like adding a positive number. 5 - (-3) = 8

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Real-World Examples
Negative numbers are used in everyday life, such as measuring temperatures below zero, recording financial debts, and calculating elevations below sea level.

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Today, we learned about negative numbers, how to represent them on a number line, and how to perform basic operations with them.

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Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 12 - Open vraag

Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 13 - Open vraag

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.