1.3 The church falls apart

1.3 The church falls apart (part 1)
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 25 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.

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1.3 The church falls apart (part 1)

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In this paragraph, you will learn

- What criticism people had of the Catholic church
- How the split of the church was created
- What differences formed between churches
- which conflict formed between Catholics and Protestants

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Criticism of the church
- In the book: In praise of folly (lof der zotheid)  Erasmus make fun of the wrongdoings in the Catholic church.
- Thanks to the printing press it was spread in large numbers for the first time. 
- It had nothing to do with original Christianity 

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The split of the church 
-The German monk Martin Luther  wanted change. otherwise to break away from the Pope!

- In 1517, in a letter to a bishop, he protested against the trade in indulgences. 
- This mocked God, because only God could forgive sins.

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The cancellations of sins. 
Maarten Luther 
-  Luther's letter was read by many people thanks to the printing press.

- The Pope was furious! He excommunicated Luther.

- The Pope asked the German emperor Charles V to kill Luther. But Luther got him one more chance 

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Not allowed to be involved in the Church
The diet of 1521 in Worms
- Luther was invited for an assembly of German monarchs

- Luther had to take back his words, but he refused
- Charles V then outlawed Luther: everyone was permitted to kil him as a heretic

- Luther was protected by  Frederick of Saxony
- Luther translated the New testament into German and Dutch. 

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The Reformation
- Luther asked the German monarchs to reform the church and break away from the pope. 
- Some of them did and formed new Protestant churches
- Luthers letter of protest became the start of a split in European Christianity. 
- Now two hostile relegious groups: 1 The Catholics, led by the pope. 2 The Protestants

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Catholics and Protestants
John Calvin: Frenshman who had a lot of followers in the Netherlands 


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- You cant revolt against monarchs and goverments that fought the true faith.
-  By living an honest life you will go to heaven
- You can revolt against monarchs and goverments if they dont follow the true faith
- Predestination

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Your life is set by God form birth. Everything you do is as expected. 
- No pope of bishops,  only a minister who explaines the bible.

- ministers were not placed above the ordinary religious people. They were allowed to marry and could not forgive sins. 

- Did not worship saints and relics 
- People came in direct contact with God.

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- Hierarchy
- Pope, archbishop, bishop, priest
- Worshipping saints and relics
- Only clergymen could talk to God
- decorated churches full of statues and paintings 

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People ranked according to status of authority 

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End of lesson
Next week: part 2 

Go and work on your PO

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Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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1.3 The church falls apart (part 2)

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

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- Introductie/ absentie
- Leerdoelen
- Uitleg stof
- Opdracht
- Bespreken
- Afsluiting

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Strijd tussen godsdiensten
- De overgang naar het protestantisme had voordelen voor vorsten
- Ze konden rijkdommen van de katholieke kerk in beslag nemen en hoefden geen rekening te houden met de paus
- Koningen van Engeland, Denemarken en Zweden braken met de katholieke kerk en legden het protestantse geloof op aan hun onderdanen 

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Karel V
Karel V van Habsburg (1500-1558) is een van de grootste en machtigste mannen in Europa in deze tijd

Heerser over Nederland, België, Duitsland, Spanje en grote delen van Frankrijk

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Slide 20 - Tekstslide

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- Karel V voerde in Duitse rijk jarenlang oorlog met protestante vorsten --> hij was streng katholiek
- Hij probeerde het hele rijk weer katholiek te maken
- In 1555 gaf hij het op 
- Iedere Duitse vorst mocht zelf godsdienst in diens gebied bepalen

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- Een paar jaar later in Frankrijk gruwelijke godsdienst oorlog tussen katholieken en calvinisten
- Duurde tot 1598
- Toen werd met het Edict van Nantes bepaald dat FR katholiek was maar calvinisten ook rechten kregen

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De Nederlanden
- Karel V ook heerser over de Nederlandse gewesten
- Inquisitie: katholieke rechtbank die ketters moeten opsporen en bestraffen
- Karel V liet de inquisitie de protestanten als ketters vervolgen 
- Vele honderden stierven levend op de brandstapel
- Ook protestante boeken werden verbrand
- Toch slaagde Karel V er niet in om NL katholiek te maken

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In deze paragraaf leer je...

- welke kritiek er was op de katholieke kerk
- hoe de splitsing van de kerk ontstond 
- welke verschillen tussen kerken ontstond
- welke strijd ontstond tussen katholieken en protestanten 

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Volgende les: Kunst en wetenschap 

Kom je taken aftekenen in een daltonuur 

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