9.3.5: the Holocaust

AGE 9. The Time of World Wars
9.3.5 the Holocaust

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AGE 9. The Time of World Wars
9.3.5 the Holocaust

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What is this lesson about?
The racial programme of the Nazis concentrated on purifying the Aryan and eliminating all ‘parasite races’. They did this by encouraging population growth of the Aryan race and killing mentally ill and incurably sick people. Jews were isolated from society step by step. Lastly, all Jews were systemically murdered in extermination camps. This genocide is called the Holocaust.

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people in this lesson
Josef Mengele
SS doctor
Heinrich Himmler
head of the SS

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Word Duty

Lebensborn: Nazi program to raise the birth rate of ‘Aryan’ children by unmarried women

Nuremberg laws: anti-Semitic laws in Nazi Germany, introduced in 1935

Night of Broken Glass: riot against Jews throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938; also known as Kristallnacht

ghetto: Jewish quarter in a city

genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.

Holocaust: the mass murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million of people who were not Jewish by the Nazis during World War Two


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Important dates in this lesson:

1933: boycot Jewish shops
          Jews fired from government employment
1935: start Lebensborn program
          Neuremberg Laws
1938: Jews banned from public facilities like parks and theaters
1939: start euthanasia program
          start WW2: start mass executions of Jews in Eastern Europe by SS Einsatzgruppen
1941: start Endlösung: the final solution.

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When Hitler came to power in 1933, he dreamed of creating a new species of racially pure, fierce and courageous people. Hitler’s racial theories and hatred of Jews eventually led to the mistreatment and mass murder of millions of innocent people.
Hungarian Jewish women and children arrive at Auschwitz in May/June 1944. 
(photo credit: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-N0827-318/CC BY-SA)

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Producing children for Hitler

The Nazis promoted large families = Children could be raised in the spirit of National Socialism and fight for Germany at a later age. 

Besides propaganda: the Cross of Honour of the German Mother was introduced: a decoration for women who gave birth to and raised many children as good Nazis. 

A Nazi leader and his family. The mother is decorated with the golden Cross of Honour of the German Mother (8 or more children). Five sons are in the military. The younger children are members of the Hitler Youth. Dated 1943.
Three Classes of the Mother's Cross:
1st class, Gold Cross: eligible mothers with eight or more children
2nd class, Silver Cross: eligible mothers with six or seven children
3rd class, Bronze Cross: eligible mothers with four or five children

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Heinrich Himmler installed The Lebensborn Program: program to create more racially pure people.
  • Young people with racially pure characteristics should reproduce together
  • Baby's could be adopted by racially pure SS-members to be raised as pure Aryans
  • Stealing children from Poland and Russia.

A girl getting her face measured: the Nazis wanted "racially and genetically valuable children."
a Lebensborn birth house.
Many women that took part in the Lebensborn Program were unmarried and did not want their choldren back after the war. Lebensborn children often grew up without parents and were excluded by society.
German women carrying children of alleged aryan purity in a Lebensborn selection center in 1939. 

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Euthanasia programs

  • Children of the Lebensborn Program with physical or mental problems were useless > The first children to be killed in secret clinics.
  • September 1939: Hitler signed a euthanasia decree =  authorized involuntary euthanasia on all people who, after careful medical examination, were considered incurably sick. 

  • More than 70,000 mentally ill people were secretly killed during the first two years. 
  • From January 1940 onwards gassing was introduced in gas chambers. 
  • People started protesting, but the program didn't stop = gas chambers were moved to camps in Poland. 

Schönbrunn Psychiatric Hospital, 1934. Photo by SS photographer Franz Bauer

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Isolation of Jews (1)

According to Hitler, Jews were the problem for everything bad = anti-Semitism
  • Their goal was to force Jews to emigrate from Germany and step by step, measures were taken to make their lives harder. 
  • The first step: Jews working for the government and in education were fired. Jewish shops were boycotted and books that were considered ‘un-German’ – i.e. books written by Jewish writers - were burned in public
  • The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 took away their rights as German citizens: Jews were no longer allowed to vote, to marry or even have intercourse with a German.
  • By 1938, signs saying ‘Forbidden for Jews’ appeared.

Public humiliation of a Jewish man and none-Jewish woman for having a relationship. The woman’s sign: ‘I am the biggest pig in town and only get involved with Jews’, the man’s sign: ‘As a Jewish boy, I only go to bed with German girls’. Dated 1933.

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Isolation of Jews (2)

  • Jews that resisted these measure were taken to concentration camps. 
  • Many Jews had fled before the start of the war
  • Jews that stayed were terrorized by the SA. 
  • When a Jew murdered a German diplomat in November 1938, the Nazis attacked and destroyed Jewish homes, synagogues and shops all over Germany = the Night of Broken Glass  

A Frankfurt synagogue in flames during Kristallnacht.

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Execution of Jews

Once the war started emigration was no longer an option. 
  • In Poland, thousands of Jews died of starvation and sickness in ghettos: parts of towns where Jews were crammed together, often without electricity or sufficient water supplies. 
  • In Russia, the treatment of Jews was even worse: special killing squads called Einsatzgruppen (mobile murder units) were ordered by Hitler to shoot as many Jews, Romas and communist officials as possible. 

German ‘Einsatzgruppen’ murder Jews in Ukraine, July-September 1941.

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Nazi Human Experimentation

  • Nazi physicians used concentration camps to perform medical experiments on humans > These experiments are now considered as medical torture: they usually resulted in death, trauma or permanent disabilities. 
  • Josef Mengele in Auschwitz = Twin experiments 
  • Other experiments: transplantation of bones and muscles and testing of new weaponry, such as mustard gas and poisons. 
  • Some of the experiments were done to advance Nazi racial studies: Hitler wanted proof that Jews were lesser humans.

High-altitude experiments, using a low-pressure chamber, to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to safety
Dr Josef Mengele, nicknamed "angel of death", fled to South America after the war. Although on the "most wanted" list he eventually died in 1979, presumably of a heart attack or a stroke while taking a swim.

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Auschwitz, May 1944: Hungarian Jews on the platform at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp after disembarking from the transport trains. To be sent to the right meant the person had been chosen as a forced labourer; to the left meant death in the gas chambers.
The Holocaust
Holocaust is derived from the Greek word holocaustos (burnt offering). The Ancient Greeks used the word for animal sacrifices to their gods. However, many Jews prefer the biblical word shoah (Hebrew: catastrophe). Nazis referred to the Holocaust as Endlösung der Judenfrage (final solution to the Jewish question).

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The Holocaust

The German solution for what they called the ‘Jewish Problem’ became clear by December 1941. Their Endlösung (Final solution) was to exterminate an entire people. This deliberate killing of a large group of people is called genocide. Gassing was considered the most effective method to put this plan into practice. A number of different extermination camps were set up in Poland. The most infamous one was Auschwitz-Birkenau, a labour and extermination camp where more than two million Jews were murdered. Some camps, like Sobibor and Treblinka, were set up with the sole purpose of gassing Jews and gypsies. Others were set up as forced labour camps where Jews were put to work until they died. Research estimate that about six million Jews were killed during what is now called the Holocaust.

The entrace gate of Auschwitz as it is today.
You can see the same gate in the picture below, at the top left.
Jews arrive at Auschwitz. SS officers or doctors immediately start the selection, separating the weak from the strong. The weak, mostly women, children, elderly and sick, go straight to the gas chamber.

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