In deze les zitten 26 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.
Lesduur is: 45 min
Onderdelen in deze les
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Hi there!
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Income distribution
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
1. Recap previous class + homework
2. Explanation
3. Assignments
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Lesson goals
At the end of the class you are:
- able to explain what you can do with a Lorenz curve
- able to draw a Lorenz curve
- able to explain what prosperity means
- Explain what GDP and growth rates standr
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Impact for the Dutch Lorenz curve...
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Lorenz curve
A lorenz curve shows how big the income differences are between households
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
Cumulatief % inkomen
Cumulatief % huishouden
Horizontal axe shows the cummulative percentage of households
Vertical axe shows the cumulative percentage of incomes
Lorenzcurve starts always with (0,0) because 0% of the population makes 0% of the income
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
Drawing with a table
Cummulative: adding up group percentages. You add up the percentages from low to high
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Stappenplan tekenen Lorenzcurve
stap 1
Verdeel de inkomens in gelijke groepen (Op de toets wordt dit voor je gedaan).
stap 2
Je berekent hoeveel % elke groep van het totaal aantal groepen bestaat. Je berekent ook hoeveel % het inkomen per groep van het totale inkomen bedraagd. Dit doe je met de formule: deel/geheel*100%
Stap 3
Je cumuleert de percentages van de groepen en het inkomen. Je telt dus de percentages van laag naar hoog in stapjes bij elkaar op.
Stap 4
Teken de Lorenzcurve met behulp van de cumulatieve percentages. (assenverdeling horizontaal en verticaal 1cm = 10%)
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
Discuss 2.10 + 2.11
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
How much does Harry Styles earn per month?
Slide 14 - Tekstslide
Slide 15 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
Everybody wants to reach the highest possible prosperity
Prosperity = degree to which people can meet their needs
The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is used since the 1930s to meet the change in prosperity
Slide 16 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
GDP = value of total production of a country
Economists assume prosperity increases when the per capita GDP increases
Slide 17 - Tekstslide
Slide 18 - Link
Is the level of your income important?
When looking at GDP it is important to look at the changes as well compared to the previous year
Growth rates = % change compared to previous year
Slide 19 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
Which important this are not included in the GDP (when looking at how "well" a country is doing?)
Slide 20 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
Which important this are not included in the GDP (when looking at how "well" a country is doing?)
Topics not included: environment, health, happiness, income differences, etc..
Slide 21 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
The Human Developement Index (HDI) has been introduced..
GDP, but as well looked at the level of education and life expectancy in a country
Slide 22 - Tekstslide
Is the level of your income important?
What does prosperity stand for?
What do we measure with the GDP?
What do we measure with the HDI?
Slide 23 - Tekstslide
2.12 tm 2.15
Done? Make the test of the wildlife fund of 2.16
Slide 24 - Tekstslide
Slide 25 - Video
Lesson goals
At the end of the class you are:
- able to explain what you can do with a Lorenz curve
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