Copy this in your notebook and fill in the gaps.
Summary ch 3.7
The two city-states ______ and ________ often fought each other. But they fought on the same side when ________ attacked. Who fought whom often depended on who was the most ________ at the moment.
The Persian Wars started in ________ BC when the Persian king ________ attacked the Greek __________ on the west coast of modern ___________.
After several years of fighting the Persians were successful / unsuccessful (choose)
Greek soldiers were called __________, named after their shield (= ________).
Hoplites were citizens. They provided their own ___________ and they _____________ regularly.
For a long time the best army in Greece was the _________ army.
Hoplites were difficult to beat when they fought in a group formation called a _______________.
Athens also had a powerful fleet of ships called _______________.