H2T1 Unit 6.4

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, mavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 31 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Thursday the 16th of May
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading

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Thursday the 23rd of May
  • Exercise check
  • Vocabulary
  • writing

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What did you see?
  • How many criminals were there?
  • What were te criminals wearing?
  • Where they all armed?
  • How many hostages(gijzelaars) were there? 
  • How many hostages were men/ women?
  • Were there any children?
  • What were the hostages doing?

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Unit 6.4
 Law & Order
  • Do ex. 41, 42, 43, 47
    on pg. 123, 124, 125, 128
  • Work together.

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Answer check
answers for 18-22
extra comparisons exercise

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Answers: ex.41 on p.1
  1.  false
  2.  true
  3.  false
  4.  true
  5.  false
  6.  false
  7.  true

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Answers: ex.42 on p.1
  1.  1 a, c
  2. 2 a
  3. 3 b
  1.  Hij wil weten waar ze waren en wat ze aan het doen waren toen de overval gebeurde.
  2.  Ze stonden bij de bushalte tegenover de bank.
  3.  Ja, want ze zegt dat zij dat ook dacht.
  4.  Omdat hij het nummerbord van het busje heeft onthouden.

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Answers: ex.43 on p.1
  1.  shot
  2.  passenger
  3.  ask
  4.  recognise
  5.  rob
  6.  notice
  7.  suggestion
  8.  sit down 

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Answers: ex.47 on p.1
  1.  which
  2.  who
  3.  who
  4.  which
  5.  which
  1.  who
  2.  which
  3.  who
  4.  who
  5.  which

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What did you learn?
For example what is a hostage?

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See you next time

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Tuesday the 28rd of May
  • Homework check
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing

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Homework check

Ex. 45, 46, 48, 49
on pg. 126-129

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Answers: ex.45a on p.1
  1.  Did you see CSI on Thursday evening?
  2.  Last week somebody stole my bike.
  3.  The police officer asked me a lot of question yesterday.
  4.  The witness came to the police station earlier this afternoon

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Answers: ex.45b on p.1
  1.  What were you doing when you heard the noise?
  2.  I was watching a film when something strange happened.
  3.  We were walking to school when to the police car drove past.
  4.  One robber looked outside while the other was putting the money into plastic bags.

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Answers: ex.46a on p.1
  1.  happened
  2. was waiting
  3. was buying
  4. drove
  5. robbed
  6. was getting out
  7. was parking
  8. noticed
  9. were pulling
  10. b -

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Answers: ex.47 on p.1
  1.  which
  2.  who
  3.  who
  4.  which
  5.  which

  1.  who
  2.  which
  3.  who
  4.  who
  5.  which

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Answers: ex.48 on p.1
  1.   Could you tell me where you were and what you were doing?
  2.  I can tell you the registration number of the van.
  3.  Personally I think your are both right.
  4.  Don’t you think it would be a good idea to ask Mr Bolam for help?
  5.  Shall we start with the food?
  6.  May I make a suggestion?
  7.  I thought so too.
  8.  That is fine by me.

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Answers: ex.49a on p.1
  1. Do you mind if
  2. go ahead
  3. What exactly did you see?
  4. I was standing at the bus stop when I saw the accident.
  5. I’m not so sure about that.
  6. I believe
  7. Exactly.
  8. Maybe we should ask the police if they need witness.
  9. Great idea. Let’s go!

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Slide 24 - Link

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  • 3rd of June: Taaldorp preparations, The Restaurant
  • 4th of June: Learn the phrases
  • 6th ofJune: Test, learn the phrases on p. 151-152 & 158-159
  • 26th of June: RTTI, Reading & Grammar p.160-161

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What did you learn?
For example what is a hostage?

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See you next time

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  1. Respect eachother.
  2. Listen when the teacher is speaking.
  3. Do not interrupt eachother.

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See you next time

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See you next time

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