PWOA week 2.5 grammar OVT VTT

week 2.6
1 / 24
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2-4

In deze les zitten 24 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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week 2.6

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

after today's lesson
- you know the difference between 
past simple and present perfect

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

1. previous class
2. past simple and present perfect
3. work on Can Do Online

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previous class - wordorder
what do remember about wordorder?

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

wie doet wat waar wanneer
place before time
all verbs stay together

I am wearing my new sneakers at school today
We could have seen a rainbow in the sky

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

tenses about the past
get your book
Unit 4 assignment 45: 1- 13

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

grammar - past
1. it happened in the past (past simple)
2. it has started in the past (present perfect)

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past simple - when
- it happened in the past and it is over now
- a time is mentioned (in this case always use past simple):
She wasn't here yesterday either

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past simple - how
irregular verbs: 2nd verb
be - was - been

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present perfect - when
it has started in the past and still goes on.
I have known her for  20 years
it happened in the past, but the effect is still there.
My phone ... I think I have lost it.

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present perfect - how
has/have + verb-ed (als voltooid deelwoord)
it has happened
irregular verbs: has/have + 3rd verb
know - knew - known

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quick answers
1. Gisteren liep ik naar school.
2. Ik geef al 5 jaar Engels op het ROC.
3. Hij gaat elke maandag naar de sportschool.
4. De trein vertrekt morgen om half 9.
5. Wees stil, hij slaapt.
6. Ik werkte vorige week ook aan grammatica.
7. Neem je paraplu mee, het regent.

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a game
write down 3 verbs plus the past tense
in the meantime I'll devide you in groups

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a game
decide the order in your group (who come first, second etc)
you are going to make up a story

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

a game
1. starts making a sentence in the past using your first verb
begin with: yesterday .... (I ate an apple)
2. repeats  the sentence and continues with her/his own
e.g.: yesterday I ate an apple. I bought it at the supermarket.
3. repeats both sentences and continues with her/his own

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a game
after the first round continue to next round with the second verb on your list
always use past tense

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a game
after 10 mins I'll get you back
I'm going to ask you to tell the whole story once again

have fun!

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a game
who can tell the whole story
how did it go?

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next week
no class
Homework - creative writing:
watch a movie - to be used for writing test as well
write dairy entry of main character
1 day, about 160 - 200 words
hand in: before Christmas break, via email

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

1. previous class
2. past simple and present perfect
3. work on Can Do Online

Slide 24 - Tekstslide