B2B PTO 4 Lezen 2

Today we are going to read and practice together

1 / 15
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Today we are going to read and practice together

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Zoek de volgende woorden in het woordenboek en schrijf de betekenis hier:
sculpture - to sculpt - event - to show - work

Slide 2 - Open vraag

Lees de tekst en denk aan een antwoord voor de vragen:
Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate. 

Wie gaat het over?                Wanneer maakt hij beeldhouwwerk?
Wat doet hij?                           Waarom?
Waar?                                         Hoe maakt hij beeldhouwwerken?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate.

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Wat doet Tom Smith?

Slide 4 - Open vraag

Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate.

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Waar kan je hem zien aan het werk?

Slide 5 - Open vraag

Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate.

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Hoe vaak is The London Cake Art Show?

Slide 6 - Open vraag

Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate.

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Wat doen chefs in de The London Cake Art Show?

Slide 7 - Open vraag

Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate.

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Wat doet Tom in de The London Cake Art Show?

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Tom Smith is an English chef who makes sculptures out of cake. You can sometimes see him on TV shows and special events. Every year he is at the The London Cake Art Show. Here, pastry chefs from Europe show their best work. Tom sculpts really big cakes in the show. He makes figures and decorates them with chocolate.

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Waar kan je hem zien aan het werk?

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Zoek de volgende woorden in het woordenboek en schrijf de betekenis hier:
to watch - to drop out - to decide - instead

Slide 10 - Open vraag

Lees de tekst en denk aan een antwoord voor de vragen:
Tom says: "I started studying Art in Paris. I was watching the Food Network on TV, where they were making sculptures out of chocolate. I liked it so much that I dropped out of Art school the next day and decided to go to a French Pastry School. But, instead of chocolate sculptures, I use cake!"

Wie gaat het over?                      Wanneer?
Wat vertelt hij?                             Waarom?
Waar?                                              Hoe is hij chef geworden?

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Tom says: "I started studying Art in Paris. I was watching the Food Network on TV, where they were making sculptures out of chocolate. I liked it so much that I dropped out of Art school the next day and decided to go to a French Pastry School. But, instead of chocolate sculptures, I use cake!"

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Wat was hij aan het studeren in Paris?

Slide 12 - Open vraag

Tom says: "I started studying Art in Paris. I was watching the Food Network on TV, where they were making sculptures out of chocolate. I liked it so much that I dropped out of Art school the next day and decided to go to a French Pastry School. But, instead of chocolate sculptures, I use cake!"

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Wat heeft his gezien in Food Network??

Slide 13 - Open vraag

Tom says: "I started studying Art in Paris. I was watching the Food Network on TV, where they were making sculptures out of chocolate. I liked it so much that I dropped out of Art school the next day and decided to go to a French Pastry School. But, instead of chocolate sculptures, I use cake!"

Beantwoord de vraag met een volle zin: Wat deed hij nadat hij de kunstacademie had verlaten?

Slide 14 - Open vraag

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Slide 15 - Tekstslide