Macbeth Final Discussion

       Macbeth Final Analysis
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       Macbeth Final Analysis

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Slide 2 - Video


Imagery helps you picture what Shakespeare's describing, and makes it stick in your mind. 

Find examples of similes, metaphors and personification
blood versus water - guilt versus innocence ; 'dark night strangles the travelling lamb'
nature - correct order of the world
storms - thunder, lighting
light versus darkness
health and disease - a state of Scotland
sleep - clear conscience

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Slide 4 - Video

Macbeth: themes

ambition - Macbeth and Lady Macbeth deceptible to lure of power
gender roles
destiny versus free will
loyalty versus betrayal
Ambition can be a positive thing if it is motivated by a desire to help. 
Loyalty is rewarded, betrayal is punished ... 
Kingship - under Duncan's rightful reign, the country is ordered and peaceful. Macbeth's unlawful reign is reflected in the overturned natural order; e.g. day turns to night and horses eat each other. 

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Slide 6 - Video

He is ambitious but easily led astray.
He is ambitious, brave, guilty.
He is a brave hero .... and a brutal murderer.
He struggles with his conscience, and he is easily influenced. 
Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth is cruel and ruthless.
She is very ambitious, clever and quick-witted.
She goes mad. 

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He is kind, but too trusting.
he is an example of a good king.
Malcolm and Donalbain
The learn from their father's mistake.
They are not impulsive.
Malcolm develops into a good leader. 

Banquo is more honourable than Macbeth.
He does not trust witches.

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Macduff is honest and sincere ... but he puts his country before his family. 
In contrast with the other men who see emotions as a sign of weakness, Macduff says that he will 'feel grief as a man.' This shows that he sees the ability to show emotions as an important part of his masculinity. 
Lady Macduff
She can't understand her husband's actions. Lady Macduff shows courage as she comforts her son, calling him ' Poor Bird'. Her love and affection for him are clear. 

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The Witches are:
evil ' instruments of darkness '
ambiguous 'This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good.'
They are evil but they don' tell Macbeth to murder Duncan.

' Fair is foul, and foul is fair' nothing is as it seems to be.
Witches confuse Macbeth by using paradoxes, for example, by telling him that Banquo will be 'lesser than Macbeth, and greater.' 
By not being clear about what the future holds, they keep control of Macbeth. 

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Slide 14 - Video

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