Vocabulary 4.1 SupportWhat do the words in bold mean? Try to guess.
1. Not everybody has the benefit of a good education. a. voordeel / b. inzameling / c. ervaring
2. The Saint Bernard is a slow-moving, patient, and obedient dog. a. gehoorzaam / b. trouw / c. groot
3. This school aims to build the self-esteem of the pupils. a. kennis / b. zelfverzekerdheid / c. gevoel van eigenwaarde
4. I am confident that everything will work out in the end. a. zelfverzekerd / b. dankbaar / c. zelfvertrouwen
5. He is a valued member of our team. a. goed / b. hardwerkend / c. gewaardeerd
6. A good teacher should encourage creativity and hard work. a. aanleren / b. aanmoedigen / c. moedig
7. What do you think of this weird situation? a. vreemde / b. vervelende / c. nutteloze
8. New staff are trained to work without supervision. a. wandelstok / b. personeel / c. managers