VL TM English 1.2 Lesson 2

Tourism Management 
English 1.2, Lesson 2
English 1.2
Lesson 2
1 / 33
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EnglishHBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 33 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Tourism Management 
English 1.2, Lesson 2
English 1.2
Lesson 2

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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1st goal of today
Test your grammar skills: check answers diagnostic test 
Test your grammar skills: work in pairs on  future tenses and do the Socrative test in class

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Self-evaluation: Answers Diagnostic test p. 119 grammar book
Future tense

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1. You’ll find
2. Is going to
3. ‘ll be skiing
4. Lived/been living
5. Don’t think it will be
6. Shall we have
7. ‘m not going to
8. Staying/going to stay
9. Will be
10. To
1. -' will' for something certain to happen
2. evidence in the present to justify prediction
3. temporary action in the future
4. both:  action still in progress in future
5. 'think' : we  show negative meaning at beginning of sentence
6. 'shall' to ask questions about decisions
7. 'going to' + infinitive  for actions which we already have decided to do
8.  focus is  on the intention of doing something/  a fixed arrangement
9. 'will' + ing to talk about events  resulting from an arrangement in the past
10. to '' + infinitive  for formal instructions

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11. are not to be
12. takes off
13. have paid
14. will be playing
15. is due to be
16. unlikely
17. hopes to
18. was going to
19. would/were going to
20. open/have opened

Again Look at p. 118/119 

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Go to p. 135 of your grammar book/ handout
In pairs:
First fill in p. 135 of your book. Read the article and complete it with the words and phrases from the box
Take 15 minutes/ then take the Socrative test, fill in and check your answers 

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Slide 7 - Link

2nd goal of today
Test if you know how to spell the vocabulary of 1-14.

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Take pen and paper

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Dictation answers
1. You will have to inform the management team of the current trends and developments that played a role in your considerations.
2. Is there a hike in a particular aspect, or a decline?
3. What are the expectations for future developments?
4. I am looking for a niche market to boost my chances of success.
5. That is an innovative possibility.
6. We will customise an existing trip to fit the requirements of our target group.

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Evaluate your performance on the dictation.
Over the moon! No mistakes at all
Happy; not more than 2 mistakes
Content; not more than 4 mistakes
Could be better; between 5-8 mistakes
Ouch!! More than 8 mistakes

Slide 11 - Poll

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No good result?
What will you do to improve
  • the vocabulary of 1-14?
  • next week's vocabulary assignment?

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3rd goal of today
Work on the vocabulary 15-42 together; to learn together and lighten your workload.

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Teams/Lesson 2:
Vocabulary English 1.2
Work instructions vocabulary
Task for today: 15-42

Find a meaningful sentence for each word 

You will work on the words together; to learn together and lighten your workload.

Time: 20 minutes

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4th goal of today
Peer feedback on the email, so that you have to think carefully about the way a formal mail is written. This will help your own learning process.

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Peer feedback
Use the peer feedback form that you find in your Teams environment

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5th goal of today
Quiz on future tense/wordorder

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Which option is the best?
She will certainly be present tomorrow.
She will be certainly present tomorrow.

Slide 20 - Quizvraag

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Which option is the best?
She certainly won't be present tomorrow.
She won't certainly be present tomorrow.

Slide 21 - Quizvraag

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Which option is the best?
I will be probably home by ten.
I will probably be home by ten.

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Which option is the best?
There certainly won't be any cake tonight: you're on a diet.
There won't certainly be any cake tonight: you're on a diet.

Slide 23 - Quizvraag

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He is working at completing the report now, you ............. by 12.
will have had it
will be having it
will probably have it
are going to have it

Slide 24 - Quizvraag

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When I arrive in Barcelona, I .........to the beach first.
am going to be gone
will go
will have gone
will be gone

Slide 25 - Quizvraag

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If we do not curb our expenses, we ....... bankrupt by April.
will go
will be gone
will have gone
will going

Slide 26 - Quizvraag

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Taking a hike is a bad idea under the circumstances, as it .....
probably won't stop raining.
won't probably stop raining.
is going to not stop raining.
will have been probably raining.

Slide 27 - Quizvraag

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I think that most students who don't study ........ their exams.
are going to fail
will have failed
will be failing
will fail

Slide 28 - Quizvraag

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If you had watched the news you would know that it .......... possible to travel to Gambia next week.
won't have been
isn't going to be
will have not been
is being

Slide 29 - Quizvraag

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- Who is she talking to on the phone?
- That ...... her girlfriend, judging by her love-lorn look.
will have been
is being
will be
is going to be

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Slide 31 - Tekstslide

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  • Click this link: web lecture on infographic theory  and watch it.
  • Study the grammar from chapter 26 MGL, pp. 120-123
  • Study and practise chapter 27 MGL, pp. 124-127 and chapter 28, pp. 128-131
  • Study the vocabulary 15-42
If necessary:
  • Draw up and execute the plan of action to catch up on anything that do not go well today.

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Last task of today
Start working on chapter 27 MGL, pp. 124-127
By starting in class you can help each other with questions or ask the teacher for clarification.

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