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Lesjesochtend VOS
History - Geschiedenis
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
HistoryMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 20 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min

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Lesjesochtend VOS
History - Geschiedenis

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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At the end of the lesson you know:

... how tea became THE English beverage.
... which products come from the Far East.
... how to make a timeline

But first...

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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The masterplan
- Introduction
- History in TTO 

Let's get started!

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Introduction: who am I and names? 
History in TTO: not only in English also more focus on worldhistory. 

Tea was invented in England.


Slide 4 - Quizvraag

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How many people live in the United Kingdom?
18 million
43 million
67 million
109 million

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

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Tea is definitely the favorite drink of the English. How many cups of tea do the British drink together PER DAY?
98 million
132 million
165 million
212 million

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

The avarage person in the UK drinks 2.46 (2,5) cup of tea per day!

British people drink milk in their tea.


Slide 7 - Quizvraag

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This is called
nutmeg (nootmuskaat)

Slide 8 - Quizvraag

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This is called salt (zout)

Slide 9 - Quizvraag

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If it isn't salt.. 
What is this? 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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What would be the link between spices and tea?

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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The origin of Tea
  • The tea plant originates in China/India, where boiled water was poured onto tea leaves and the hot liquid was drunk as a medicinal drink
  • The Chinese character for tea is '茶', pronounced as "tú" - a word for a bitter herb
  • Tea was first introduced to Western priests and merchants in China during the 16th century, back then it was called "chá".

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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Tea was invented in England.


Slide 13 - Quizvraag

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Tea in British culture
  • In the 18th century tea was only for the wealthy (rich). 
  • Tea was imported from Chine by ship. High import taxes!
  • In the 19th century tea was smuggled and so available for all.

  • Taxes were lowered, no need for smugglers. 
  • GB grows tea in India. Good harvests cause the prices to drop,

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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1840s- the Duchess of Bedford starts Afternoon Tea
The Duchess of Bedford starts sneaking in a snack in the later afternoon with Darjeeling tea, to keep herself from getting ‘hangry’ before dinner (pictures below: the Duchess Anna Russell and her home Woburn Abbey)

The upper classes only enjoyed breakfast and dinner. Only ladies had a light lunch (soup/sandwich), (working) men went to pubs; dinner was served between 7:30 - 8:00 pm - fashionable for upper class to serve dinner late

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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How do we call this?

You're going to make your own!

Use the stencil
Organising the past

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

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How tea conquered Britain.

Tea has been discovered in China. The oldest discovered tea in China is dating 206 BC (Before Christ) to 220 AD (Anno Domini). Between the years 700 and 800 (8th century) tea was the national drink of China.
The world began to learn of China’s tea secret in the early 1600s, when Dutch traders started bringing much tea to Europa. The tea first arrived in Britain in the 1650s. Tea was served in coffee houses, but it was rare. A few (mostly rich) people drank tea.
Until 1662… The British king would marry a Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza. She loved tea and brought it to Britain. Tea became a popular drink for the nobles (= adel).
By the 18th century almost everybody wanted to drink some tea. But tea was still very expensive. The British loved tea so much that smugglers traded tea illegally. In 1783 the taxes on tea were lowered, from then on tea became part of everyday life in Britain.

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

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How tea conquered Britain.
Tea has been discovered in China. The oldest discovered tea in China is dating 206 BC (Before Christ) to 220 AD (Anno Domini). Between the years 700 and 800 (8th century) tea was the national drink of China.
The world began to learn of China’s tea secret in the early 1600s, when Dutch traders started bringing much tea to Europa. The tea first arrived in Britain in the 1650s. Tea was served in coffee houses, but it was rare. A few (mostly rich) people drank tea.
Until 1662… The British king would marry a Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza. She loved tea and brought it to Britain. Tea became a popular drink for the nobles (= adel).
By the 18th century almost everybody wanted to drink some tea. But tea was still very expensive. The British loved tea so much that smugglers traded tea illegally. In 1783 the taxes on tea were lowered, from then on tea became part of everyday life in Britain.

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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Years from the source (step 2):

206 BC - 220 AD: Discovery of the oldest tea in China.

700 - 800 (8th century): Tea was the national drink of China.

Early 1600s (1600-1625): The Dutch started bringing tea to Europa. 
Around 1650: The tea arrived in Britain.
1662: The Portugese princess loved tea, so tea became populair. 

By 1700 (start of the 18th century) everybody wanted to drink tea. 
1783: tea became part of everyday life. 

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

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How did this lesson go?

Slide 20 - Poll

Bespreek de oefeningen na. 

Wat heb je ervaren? Vond je het fijn, of juist niet? Denk je dat dit voor jou zou werken voordat je een toets moet doen of een presentatie geven? Of als je zenuwachtig bent, of je ergert aan iets of iemand. Voelde het vreemd? Misschien wilde je je ogen niet dicht doen en werd je toch afgeleid. Het kan dat je je niet veilig genoeg voelde op dit moment om je ogen dicht te doen? Als dat niet zo was, probeer het dan thuis in je eentje nog eens. 

Voor de docent: Als kinderen aangeven dat ze het prettig vonden, zou je kunnen afspreken dat ze zo nu en dan mogen vragen om een ademmomentje. Dan doen jullie met de hele klas de oefening van de regelmatige ademhaling of de bodyscan – doe de oefening dan zittend en gebruik bijv. alleen de audio van het filmpje De Bodyscan. Dan kan jouw les hét moment zijn om even te ‘ont-focussen’: een heel krachtig, bewezen middel tegen stress.