Welcome + Attendance
Lesson goals (5 min.)
IotW (5 min.)
/ School photos letter (5 min.) (together)
/ Roos van Leary (10 min.) (individually)
/ Reflection time:
- +/- effort put in the Wrap up test;
- +/- effort put in the Note-taking test;
- Write a poem (10 lines = 2 stanzas) or pitch (5 min.) to yourself describing how you can improve your English level from now on;
- Read your poem to your peer / Give your pitch to your peer (and swap, too!);
- Submit your poem on SOM (20 min) (individually)
/ Done? --> Contextual Awareness assignment / Final exam idiom (Quizlet) / Browse through Exam booklet (? min.)
Bring your laptop and notebook to class!