Engels P2 week 47

Welke lesstof herinner jij je nog van de Engels lessen van vorige week?
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Slide 1: Open vraag
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 16 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Welke lesstof herinner jij je nog van de Engels lessen van vorige week?

Slide 1 - Open vraag

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

My material - Your lesson

Work your way through the lesson material.

You get to choose what you'd like to do first, next and last!
As long as you do them.

For grammar: you can choose to do something extra or something challenging. It's up to you!

Take responsibility and make your choices.

Of course - I'm your teacher and I'm available for all your questions.

Good luck.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

The Future

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Best design ideas 2017

  • Choose 2 favourite ideas

  • Remember this

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

The Limerick

Limericks are known for their wit and their brevity. One of the more playful forms of poetry, it is not hard to learn.

The poem consists of five lines. The last word of the first, second and fifth lines must rhyme. The third and fourth line must rhyme with each other, but not with the other lines.
Schoolchildren grow up listening to limericks, as they are often found in children's books and some nursery rhymes.

With creativity and a bit of whimsy, anyone can learn to make a limerick.  

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Writing Tasks

Reading Matters

wb 118 - 123

Work on all exercises in your workbook.

Read instructions carefully. Each last assignment is a writing task from "The assignments" (wb pages 124-125)

  • Poem: My big fat cousin's wedding
     - writing task category D
  • Short story: Bottled up
     - writing task category C
  • Novel: Never List
     - writing task category A

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Improving PvH


Read: hand out.
How to write a letter to the headmaster.

Start on a draft of your letter.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Speaking: find your own (sarcastic) cartoon about school life.
Save that cartoon on your phone. We'll use it later..

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Stones 4+5 [PART D]

Work on your vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure at the same time.

Workbook Theme 2 - Part D

Do: exercises 9 + 10 in your workbook.

Do: exercise 11 - find a partner in crime to do this exercise with (speaking)

Check: get key from your teacher

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Future hand out

Check the answers to
your hand out with

the key -->
(UNIT 19 + UNIT 23)

Zoom in to see
all answers.

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Which design idea do you think is the best? And why?

Slide 12 - Open vraag

You took a challenge!

Let's see how you do.

Click on the links to do exercises online. You'll get feedback right away by checking your answers.

Good luck!

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Need some extra grammar practice? You've come to the right place.

Doe de opdrachten online. Je kunt ze direct nakijken dus je weet meteen of je het goed gedaan hebt.


Hou je aantekening bij de hand
Doorloop de oefeningen. Focus je eerst op de VORM.
Dus: welke werkwoorden heb ik nodig? Is het een vraagzin of een ontkenning?

Als allerlaatste maak je de opdracht met alle 4 de opties door elkaar. Focus  je dan op het GEBRUIK

Volg deze stappen bij ieder antwoord dat je geeft:
- stel jezelf de vraag: waarom gebruik je Future hier?
- kies voor categorie 1-2-3 of 4.
- vul het werkwoord uit de zin, in de formule in (VORM)

Slide 14 - Tekstslide


Feel like working with the vocabulary list?
We need creators for our game at the end of this term.

Come and collect some magazines or cards to make:

* flashcards

* cards with descriptions on them

* cards with translations on them

* own idea(s)

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

What I've done in
English class

Slide 16 - Woordweb