1hv/v U4 Lesson 1 present simple vs present continuous

Welcome 1HV/V
What do you need this lesson:
Book, pen, notebook

- Expectations
- Present simple vs. Present continuous
1 / 28
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 28 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Welcome 1HV/V
What do you need this lesson:
Book, pen, notebook

- Expectations
- Present simple vs. Present continuous

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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اللَّهمَّ اغفر لي ما أسْرَرْتُ وما أعْلَنْتُ

Allahoema i’firli ma Asrartoe wa ma A’lantoe

O Allah! Forgive my former and latter sins, which I have done secretly and which I have done openly.
Prayer of the week

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1. Your laptop stays in your bag. You only take it out when I tell you to.
2. Every lesson, you bring your book, notebook, and a pen.
3. When you enter the classroom, you sit down immediately and take out your materials.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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I play tennis.

I am playing tennis.

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Learning goals
By the end of the lesson:
- you should be able to explain the difference and use both tenses accurately in various contexts.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Understanding the difference between the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses.
Knowing when to use each tense based on context (e.g., routines vs. actions happening now).
Applying the correct grammatical structures for both tenses in sentences.
Recognizing common signal words that indicate which tense to use.
Present simple

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Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Present simple: signaalwoorden
  • Always
  • Rarely
  • Never
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Every Monday

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Present continuous
Het vindt NU plaats.
In het Engels zijn er woordjes (signaalwoorden) waarmee je herkent dat het om het NU gaat. 
- I am reading the newspaper right now.
- He is laughing at me at the moment.
- Do your hear that as well? She is waking up!
- Cynthia is currently cycling to school.

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Present continuous
vorm van to be + ww-ing 
I am reading a book.
He is drawing a picture.
We are playing football.
I am having breakfast.
She is getting up for school.

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Present continuous
She is chatting with a friend. (to chat) 
Lance is putting clothes in his bag. (to put)
We are having lunch. (to have)
My teacher is giving us too much homework. (to give)

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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Present continuous

I am reading a book right now.
He is drawing a picture as we speak.
We are currently playing football.
I am having breakfast at the moment. Listen! She is getting up for school.

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Add not:
I am not 
She is not
They are not

To be first:
Am I
Is she
Are they

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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Present simple 
feit, gewoonte, regelmaat

Hele werkwoord

he/she/it > ww + s
He plays tennis

Present continuous
is op dat moment bezig

to be + ww + ing

She is walking to school.

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Fill in the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
1. Tom always ___ (to go) to school by bike.

2. She ____________ (to eat) an apple right now.


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Fill in the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
1. Please keep quiet! I ___________________ (to listen) to the radio.

2. Every Monday, Sara ________________ (to drive) her kids to football practice.


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Write your own sentence.
1. Write a sentence of at least 8 words. Use the verb to try and the present continuous.

2. Write a sentence of at least 8 words. Use the verb to bake and the present simple.

Do this on your own!

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Get to work
Do exercise 8 on page 132.

1. Write a short story about your daily routine (100 words). Use the present simple.
2. Write 3 sentences about things you are doing right now. Use the present continuous.

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Post-it: instructions
1. Write one sentence in the present simple about your daily routine.
2. Write one sentence in the present continuous about what you are doing right now.

Make sure to use the correct form of the verb for each sentence.

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Present simple or present continuous?

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She is reading a book right now.

If the sentence is in the Present Simple, you stay seated.
If the sentence is in the Present Continuous, you stand up.

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The sun rises in the east.

If the sentence is in the Present Simple, you stay seated.
If the sentence is in the Present Continuous, you stand up.

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I go to school every day. 

If the sentence is in the Present Simple, you stay seated.
If the sentence is in the Present Continuous, you stand up.

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We are watching a movie at the moment.

If the sentence is in the Present Simple, you stay seated.
If the sentence is in the Present Continuous, you stand up.

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Look! They are playing football in the park.

If the sentence is in the Present Simple, you stay seated.
If the sentence is in the Present Continuous, you stand up.

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My dad works in a hospital.  

If the sentence is in the Present Simple, you stay seated.
If the sentence is in the Present Continuous, you stand up.

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