5.4 The Middle East

5.4 The Middle East
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HistoryMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

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5.4 The Middle East

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Palestine in the Ottoman Empire 

  • From 1516 onwards, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish Empire).
Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully alongside/with each other.

The area was home to many poor farmers who rented land from large Arab landowners.

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Palestine in the Ottoman Empire 
The situation changed in the mid-19th century: mostly wealthy Jewish migrants (fleeing Europe due to antisemitism) bought land from the Arab landowners.

But wasn’t this land actually rented by poor farmers in Palestine? 
Correct: tensions in the area increased as a result.

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Decline of the Ottoman Empire 
Major problems for the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century:

Growing nationalism among the peoples within the empire: they wanted independence.

European countries coveted the Middle East for economic (oil, Suez Canal), political (expansion of power), and religious reasons (Biblical events took place here).

For Great Britain specifically: the Suez Canal was 'the lifeline of the British Empire', the fastest route to their colony in India.

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Britain seeks help 
Theodor Herzl creator of the movement Zionism. 

During WO I Palestina was part of the Ottoman Empire. 

Promise of their own land in exchange for help in WO I. 

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During WOI
  • 1915: McMahon-Hussein Correspondence: The British promise independence for the Arabs if they help defeat the Turks.

1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement: France and Great Britain make secret arrangements to divide the area between themselves.

1917: Balfour Declaration: The British promise the Jews a national home in Palestine in exchange for their support.

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Tensions rise 

Jewish migrants are intercepted at sea and sent back.

Some are detained in camps in Cyprus.

In response, extremist Jews (Irgun) carry out attacks on British targets in Palestine.

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The Inheritance 

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The first years of the state Israel 
  • 14 may 1948: David Ben Goerion declares the state of Israel

  • 15 may 1948: The last of the English troops leave Israel

  • 16 may 1948: The Arabic countries of  Egypt, Syria, Libanon en Jordan attack Israel

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Violence as solution?

  • Palestinina forces unite in the  PLO (Palestinian liberation army ), founded in  1964, (leader: Yasser Arafat)

  • Goals: The destruction of the state Israel, push out the Israelis and save the Palestinians.

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Six-Day War 
  • Het sterke en moderne Israëlische leger verplettert in 6 dagen Egypte, Jordanië en Syrië

  • Israël bezet grote stukken land: Sinaï en Gazastrook (van Egypte), Westelijke Jordaanoever en Oost-Jeruzalem (van Jordanië) en de Golan (van Syrië)

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Jewish settlers 
  • Western Jordanbank is occupied since  1967 by Israel 

  • Some religious Jews believe that this area belongs to Israel

These Israelis came to live in this area (in settlements) and are called settlers

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War on Terror
The US has always supported Israel. 

Mantaining good relations for oil. 

The US and western countries are hated for this. 

Terrorism is on the rise in the 90s. 

Al Qaeda

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Slide 15 - Video