Week 5: Listening + reading H3 B1

Week 5
  • Idiom of the week
  • Listening H3 Talks and presentations - B1 Presentations
  • Reading H3 Magazines and the news - B1 The news and science communication
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Week 5
  • Idiom of the week
  • Listening H3 Talks and presentations - B1 Presentations
  • Reading H3 Magazines and the news - B1 The news and science communication

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Idiom of the week!
What do you think the idiom is about:
''Barking up the wrong tree''

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Idiom of the week!
''Barking up the wrong tree''
To be looking for answers in the wrong place
James thought Christopher was the one who broke the vase, but he was barking up the wrong tree.

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Listening H3
H3: Talks and presentations
Tips tijdens het luisteren:
  • Let op de structuur of opbouw van de presentatie.                   Inleiding - kern - slot
  • Probeer afleiding te voorkomen.
  • Raak niet in paniek als je iets niet begrijpt. Je kan                         later de draad nog weer oppakken.

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Listening H3 B1
  • to sum up/summarise, what I mean is en in other words > herhalen of samenvatten.
  • let’s move on to, this leads me to my next point en now I will  > nieuw onderdeel.
  • Draad kwijt? > concentreren op wat je nog weet

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Outlines presentation

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Reading H3
H3: Magazines and the news
Magazine: longer articles on a range of subjects
Periodical pub. weekly or monthly. Subject for a specific audience.
News: Short articles on current news and developments
Daily or weekly pub. + important source of reliable international, national and local information.

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Reading H3 B1
An article can be about any subject, a current event, someone's life, the outcome of scientific research etc.

It contains a lot of information, but not all of it is equally important. 

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Main issues: Directly related to the subject of the article. Main themes or arguments.
Side issues: provide additional information, such as              examples, details or exceptions.
Paragraphs devide the text into subtopics and organise.
Each paragraph has a key sentence = summary.

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Main issue
  • Lees kop + eerste alinea: waar gaat het volgens jou over?
  • De eerste alinea is meestal een minisamenvatting van de rest van de tekst.
  • Lees de rest van de tekst om te checken. 
  • Is er een rode draad? Let op kernwoorden > betekenis opzoeken
  • Slot: belangrijkste zaken vaak nog eens genoemd.

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Arguments are used to support a statement or opinion. E.g.:
Author's statement:
The BBC documentary ‘The Mystery of Van Gogh’s Ear’ is really sensational ...
Argument (why the documentary is 'really sensational'):
... because it finally solves the mystery of what happened              to the painter’s ear.

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Aan de slag!
• Listening H3 B1 Presentation
Ex. 1,2,3,4
• Listening health: 3 A plague emergency
• Reading H3 B1 The news and science communication
Ex. 1,2,3,4
• Reading health: 3 First aid

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