Dear anonymous girl,
Thanks for sending me your question. For swimming, tampons and menstrual swimwear are the best menstruation products to use, and I will explain why.
In general, menstrual pads are convenient, but they aren’t practical in water. They don’t hold much blood in water, they don’t stay put, and, like you said, they’re visible in your swimwear. This is why they aren’t recommended for pool parties, so it’s completely understandable you didn’t go.
If you ever want to go to another pool party with your friends when on your period, tampons are extremely viable. Using them for the first time may feel very uncomfortable as you aren’t used to putting something in your vagina. In most female’s experiences, tampons don’t actually hurt; they only feel slightly uncomfortable. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about pain, although there may be a little your first time.
If you don’t wish to use tampons, you could use menstrual swimwear, which is also good at holding large amounts of blood in water and generally feels more comfortable. It’s your choice which product you use, and you could even try both at different times to see which you prefer. Good luck!