Dear Eshter feedback G3A

Feedback lesson Dear Esther G3A
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Feedback lesson Dear Esther G3A

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  1. Flashback last lesson
  2. Feedback practice letters
  3. Time to improve letter
  4. Time to ask questions

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Writing assignment 
You are going to write some professional advice for a teen with a question or problem regarding sex and/or sexuality. You will write on behalf of a sexologist named Esther who works for a teen magazine. Readers of this magazine send in their questions monthly. As an employee of this magazine, you are responsible for selecting a question to which you will give a friendly, helpful, and professional reply.

- Use biology vocabulary to give good advice, based on knowledge gained during sexual education.
- The advice is well structured and easy to understand, use polite language with a proper beginning and end.
- Show respect and compassion
- Use 150-200 words
- Do not use any resources other than a Dutch-English dictionary

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The rubric
  1. Biology vocubulary: correct use and explanation of learned biology vocubulary related to relations and sex.
  2. Structure and comprehension: the letter is structured and the advice is in logical order
  3. Compassion: you show respect and understanding.
  4. Advice quality: the advice is correct and supported with arguments
  5. basic requirement. 150 -200 word count

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Good points in general
- Use of structure in the text:
opening - middle part - closing part  - 
arguments are in logical order
- Compassion is shown:
" I understand" , I am sorry that you have missed your party, " You are not alone" 
Giving multiple type of advice
" You could use a tampon, or menstrual cup" . " Think about communication ... you could use lube ... begin with foreplay.

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Room for improvement in general
-Not explaining terms
" You could use the pill".  "Maybe you can try a special tampon".
Advice is (not) enough supported by argument
" use a cup for swimming " --> what, how, why? 
- The difference between solutions is not shown.
" What is the difference between a cup and tampon? " 

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Example question 1

Dear Esther,
I have gotten my period multiple times now, and normally I use a menstrual pad. The last time I was on my period, I was invited to a pool party. I did not go because my menstrual pad was visible in my bathing suit. What menstrual product can I use if I want to swim while I am on my period?

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Example 1 
Dear anonymous girl,

Thanks for sending me your question. For swimming, tampons and menstrual swimwear are the best menstruation products to use, and I will explain why.
In general, menstrual pads are convenient, but they aren’t practical in water. They don’t hold much blood in water, they don’t stay put, and, like you said, they’re visible in your swimwear. This is why they aren’t recommended for pool parties, so it’s completely understandable you didn’t go.
If you ever want to go to another pool party with your friends when on your period, tampons are extremely viable. Using them for the first time may feel very uncomfortable as you aren’t used to putting something in your vagina. In most female’s experiences, tampons don’t actually hurt; they only feel slightly uncomfortable. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about pain, although there may be a little your first time.
If you don’t wish to use tampons, you could use menstrual swimwear, which is also good at holding large amounts of blood in water and generally feels more comfortable. It’s your choice which product you use, and you could even try both at different times to see which you prefer. Good luck!

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What is good and what could be improved, and why?

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Example 2
Dear anonymous,
It’s fine! You can still go to the swimming party. The best solution is to use a menstrual cup. It’s inserted into the vaginal canal and sits below the cervix to collect menstrual blood instead of absorbing it like a tampon. It’s great for swimming because it won’t let water in or leak, and you can wear it for up to 12 hours. Once you practice a few times, it becomes easy and comfortable.
If you’re using it for the first time, try folding the cup in a “C” or “punch-down” shape to make insertion easier. The cup will unfold and create a seal against the vaginal walls, which prevents any leaks. It works perfectly even when you’re swimming or doing other activities.
If a menstrual cup feels like too much right now, you can also use a tampon, which is inserted into the vaginal canal and absorbs the blood. Either option will let you swim with no worries.
If you don’t feel like swimming, that’s okay too—you can still have fun hanging out with your friends. Remember, menstruation is just part of life and is perfectly natural, and

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What is good and what could be improved, and why?

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Write from a perspective to someone who does not know anything.

But do not forget the respect and compassion part

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Don't forget compassion!
Dear girl,
u can use a tampon and if you find it scary don't do it. it is hard but it is your problem. You can search online for something maar IDK and why are you asking me IDK. Maybe you can do it with your mom. For the 1000 time it is your problem. 
Kind regards,

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Example question 2
Dear Esther,
I have been in a relationship for over six months now. I am ready for first-time intercourse, but I am scared to hurt my girlfriend during penetration. My question is, does sex hurt for ladies?

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Dear anonymous boy,

I received your question: “Does sex hurt for ladies?” and I think I can give a good answer. I understand that sex can exciting, but some pain or small bleeds may occur. This is because of the hymen that can have different sizes. The hymen’s at the vaginal opening and the size of it differs per woman. It’s not wrong if a bleed occurs here, bodies are just different and so is your girlfriend’s body. Bleeds and pain can occur in different ways. I will name some. First, if the hymen is as large that it covers the vaginal opening, penetration can create a small bleed if you break through it. Pain can also occur if the boy is over-enthusiastic, then he could go too fast, which is uncomfortable for a woman in my opinion.So, to answer your question: “Does sex hurt for ladies?” Yes, it’s possible, but it depends per woman. Some women won’t hurt at all, and some are in some pain during intercourse (penetration). So, if you want to discover whether your girlfriend is in pain or not, you should keep asking her during intercourse if she’s still fine.
Kind regards

Dear anonymous boy,

You say you are afraid of hurting your girlfriend when having intercourse, which is very understandable. It would be very awkward otherwise.
The reason some girls experience pain during intercourse is because of a thin layer of skin at the opening of their vaginal opening called the hymen. During first time intercourse, this hymen might be in the way causing bleeding.
The size of the hymen differs from woman to woman, some don’t even have it at all! It might be a bit awkward, but you could ask her if she can check if she has one. In the case that your girlfriend does have a large hymen, the bleeding will be less or even gone during second intercourse.
Another tip is to use lubricant, this will make the intercourse a lot easier. You should also tell her to say it immediately if you’re hurting her.
Kind regards,

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Which letter scores the best on biology vocubulary?

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

Which letter has to improve the most on structure and comprehension?

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Which letter shows the most compassion?

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Which letter has shown the best biological advice?

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Which letter is the best in biology vocubulary?
Example 2
Example 3

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Questions so far about the writing test?

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Question 3 
Dear Esther,
A lot of my friends are in a relationship and have sex. They even had sex with both girls and boys to experiment and to see what their sexuality is. Meanwhile, I have never had sex before and I have never been in love. How do you know what your sexuality is? And is it necessary to have sex so you know what your sexuality is?

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Hello my dear friend Anonymous,

To answer your question about having sex, no it is not necessary to have sex to know your sexuality. Your sexuality is also not written down somewhere, what I mean by that is that your free to feel the way how you feel. There is no harm in trying to have sex with different genders to find out what you find best, it is also okay to say if you are not feeling happy while having sex with someone if you maybe do not like that gender. It is fully on you to decide what your sexuality is, and it is not bad if you find out later that you like something else. That just happens in life. Another tip is to don’t look at what others are doing. It is still your life, and you make the decisions. Do things at you own pace because that wins the race.
Greetings from Esther.

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Give a top and a tip

Slide 24 - Open vraag

What will you do differently tomorrow on the test?

Slide 25 - Open vraag

Analyse your own product
  1. Look at the rubric. Write down what is good and what can be improved.

  2. Discuss your letter with your neighbour and compare your letter who's is better and write down why.

  3. Type an improved letter on your laptop

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I feel confident about the Dear Esther test

Slide 27 - Poll

What to bring to the test
  • Charged laptop
  • Wordbook NL - Eng --> Tip! Mediatheek

On the test
  • List of questions, you can choose your own option

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