Cambridge lesson 1 B2 first

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 27 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

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Today's class
  • Starter:  What to expect!

  • Main course:
-  Grammar: Parts of Speech
-  RUE part 3: word formations.

  • Dessert: odd one out!

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Lessons and Teams

Every week: update in Teams with LessonUp and homework

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  • 1 unit every two weeks
  • Answers homework can be found in the back of the book.
  • Digital pack is also used (you need to set up an account)

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Book pages
Page 117: irregular verbs

Page 142: B2 vocabulary list
per unit.

Page 151 - 190: answer keys

page 150: exam information

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Parts of speech
In English there are 8 parts of speech
In Dutch you call them: woordsoorten
(for example: lidwoord, werkwoord etc.)

Do you know all eight?

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Parts of speech

Slide 13 - Woordweb

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The parts of speech
zelfstandig naamwoord
persoonlijk voornaamw.
bijvoeglijk naamwoord 
Lidwoorden worden gezien als onderdeel van bijvoeglijk naamwoorden.

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articles are actually a type of determiner (adjective) because of this it is not included in parts of speech.


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Spiekbriefje voor bij devolgende opdracht.
Deze flashcard kan groot op het bord wanneer de studenten werken aan de opdracht.

Name the Parts of Speech
- John drove in a very pink car, and, yikes, he disliked the color. 

- I saw John driving an extremely ugly car today, so I called him and said: wow! You should buy a new car, man!

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Schrijf de zin op een blaadje en zet er per woord in het Engels bij wat de woordsoort is.

Zin in het Engels opgeschreven?
Zet dan de FLASHCARD van de vorige slide op het bord.

John = noun
drove = verb
in = preposition
a = adjective (article)
very = adverb
pink = adjective
car = noun
and = conjunction 
yikes = interjection 
he = pronoun
disliked = verb
the = article
color = noun
I = pronoun
saw = verb 
John = noun
driving = verb
an = adjective (article)
extremely = adverb
ugly = adjective
car = noun
today, = adverb
so = conjunction
I = pronoun
called = verb
him = pronoun
and = conjunction
said: = verb
wow! = interjection
You = pronoun
should = verb
buy = verb
a = adjective (article)
new = adjective
car, = noun
man! = pronoun

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Today = noun > when today is the subject of a sentence WHAT: Today was a good day.
Today = adverb > refers to time WHEN: I went shopping today.

RUE Part 3: word formation

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assignment: word formations

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How do you do this?
First look at the infinitive:
"to know"

What words can you form from this word?

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To know

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Work in pairs.

Fill out the grid using the correct form of the word.

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Compete = verb
Impress = verb
Response = noun
High = adjective
Agriculture = noun
Move = verb
Possible = adjective
Populate = verb
Real = adjective

Look at the words in bold. Change the word class to fit the context of the story. 

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Skyscraper? No, 'water-scraper'!
Sample task Cambridge English.

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Unit 1: Living day to day

  • page 6 (exam task RUE/ part 7)
  • page 7 (Assignment 6 and 7)
  • page 9 (Exam task Listening/ part 1)
  • Wordlist unit 1 (quizlet)

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Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Dessert 1.1

Four flags
- UK, Canada, Australia = Common Wealth
- USA = Independent

Four flags
- UK, USA, Australia = red, white and blue
- Canada = red and white

Four flags
- British Pounds
- Canadian, American, Australian dollars