H4 - les 1 & 2 - week 21 & 23

Today's class
First lesson:
Of Course grammar:
  • some/any - lesson 4.2 - ex. 16
  • word order - lesson 4.2 - ex. 17
  • prepositions - lesson 4.3 - ex. 6
  • the genitive - lesson 4.4 - ex. 11

Second lesson:
  • Essay writing

1 / 18
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 18 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Today's class
First lesson:
Of Course grammar:
  • some/any - lesson 4.2 - ex. 16
  • word order - lesson 4.2 - ex. 17
  • prepositions - lesson 4.3 - ex. 6
  • the genitive - lesson 4.4 - ex. 11

Second lesson:
  • Essay writing

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Tests period 4
1) Essay writing (+ check for grammar/vocab/spelling etc.): 
Argumentative essay on given thesis general or novel 2
Test week

2)Reading test (old havo exam -> www.examenblad.nl practice)
In class

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Some -> 
  • bevestigende zinnen
  • wanneer je verwacht dat het antwoord "ja" is (bijv. drinken vragen/aanbieden)
  • ongeveer (some hundred people showed up)
  • een of andere (some guy asked me to dance)

Any -> 
  • vragen/ontkennende zinnen (met "not" erin)
  • wie dan ook (anybody can do that type of job)
  • hardly + any (hardly anyone, anything etc.)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Word order
SVOPT -> subject verb object place time -> Onderwerp  / werkwoord  / lijd. vw en-of meew. vw / plaats / tijd

Plaats/tijd mag ook vooraan in de zin (effect!)

Alle werkwoorden bij elkaar

1 ww -> voor het ww. (She often cooks Italian food.)
2 of meer ww -> na eerste ww (He will regularly go out of his way to help)
to be -> bijwoord na vorm van "to be" (She is really smart.)

Lange bijwoorden:
vooraan of achteraan in de zin (As a matter of fact, they do care.)

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Word order
So = mee eens zijn met bevestigende zinnen

Neither = mee eens zijn met ontkennende zinnen (zinnen met "not")

  • So + hww of do/does/did + ondw
  • Neither + hww of do/does/did + ondw.  (

Tracy can dance really well. So can Fred
Tracy dances really well. So does Fred.
Tracy danced beautifully. So did Fred

Tracy doesn't dance well. Neither does Fred.
Tracy can't dance well. Neither can Fred

Slide 5 - Tekstslide


Study in Of Course (Unit 4)!!! - p. 85/86/86 online grammar U4

Extremely handy for your essay writing test

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Write a sentence with the following prepositions
  1. Across
  2. Among
  3. Between
  4. Into
  5. Off
  6. At
  7. On

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

The Genitive

Indicates possession

Singular -> 's  (Tom's bike)
Plural ->  '  (My parents' car)

-> 's
James's bike
Alice's car
Dickens's novels

Names from antiquity (uit de oudheid):
' -> Socrates' ideas

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

The Genitive

Indicates possession

singular -> 's
plural -> '

An hour's walk
A three hours' drive

At my parents'
At Bob's
At the baker's
At my friend's

Slide 9 - Tekstslide


Indicates possession

Zaken / hoeveelheden / aardrijkskundige namen

The brakes of the bike
The legs of the chair

One cup of tea
Two pounds of sugar

The city of Amsterdam
The capital of Russia

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

What is wrong here?
  1. Jack his shirt; 
  2. I came Tim across today in London.; 
  3. I was on school today
  4. The childrens' books
  5. The newspaper of today
  6. At my mom's home
  7. At Monday, in the weekend

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Essay writing 
Check your essay for:
  • Lay-out of 5 paragraphs 
  • Catchy introduction ending in thesis (English should (not) be dropped from the curriculum)
  • Paragraphs 2/3/4 - PEE (point/argument, explanation, example)
  • Conclusion summing up 3 arguments
  • Paragraphs linked (Moreover, however, Also, Another reason, etc.)
  • Arguments are convincing and well elaborated
  • Spelling = new part of period 4 essay writing test
  • Vocabulary (correctly used) = new part of period 4 essay writing test
  • Grammar (tenses, irregular verbs, adjectives, adverbs, word order SVOPT) = new part of period 4 essay writing test  

SVOPT = subject verb object place time -> for example: 
Harry (S) gave (V)  Diane(Direct object - to whom) flowers (Indirect object - what) at the prom (Place) in high school (Place) last week (Time).

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

New essay topic (thesis)
  1. Students should read more books
  2. People should fantasize more 
  3. Saving the climate should be a priority
  4. Females should be allowed to carry tasers
  5. Everyone should buy local produce only
  6. All influencers need to indicate if they are paid for their products
  7. Conscription should be mandatory (conscription = mandatory military draft/serving in the army for all adolescents aged 17 and up)

Choose one of the above topics and write a 300-word essay for next week, first class
Input before output! Read up on your topic before you start writing

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Writing test

What do you do before you start writing the essay?

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Writing test

What do you do before you start writing the essay?

Create a short outline before you start writing:
  • Thesis = use the given statement at the end of your introduction (last sentence)
  • Jot down 3 arguments in favour (pro) or against (con).
  • Conclusion = clearly pro or con

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Pick thesis & jot down 3 arguments 
pro or con

Cosmetic surgery should (not) be covered by healthcare

Operations should (no longer) be covered by healthcare

(Not) Every couple should adopt at least one child from a war-torn country

Parents should (not) be able to track their children at all times

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

"Another reason it is good for compassion. If you read a book, its mostly told by a person in the story that tells you how he or she feels and thinks during the story so you start empathizing so if you read a lot of books you're better at empathizing."

  • Leave out the pronoun you
  • Find synonyms
  • Use gerund(s)
  • Use upper level vocabulary (who is "you"?)
(Suggestions/KEY on next slide)

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

"Another reason is that reading books instills compassion. Readers sympathize with the main characters in the novel as their thoughts and feelings are explained in the novel. By understanding more about others, adolescents will have more concern for others and eventually develop empathy (for those less fortunate).

synonyms for empathy = underlined
gerund = bold print (gerunds help you to avoid awkward constructions with that & personal pronouns)
upper level vocabulary = gerund, underlined words and words in italics (schuingedrukt)

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