Lesson 3 - IE prep

1 / 23
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 3

In deze les zitten 23 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 9 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

Onderdelen in deze les


Slide 1 - Tekstslide




Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Which letters are vowels?
k l m n p
a e u o

Slide 3 - Quizvraag

What do you know about 'linguistics'?

Slide 4 - Woordweb

Slide 5 - Link

Why is writing in English so hard?

Slide 6 - Open vraag

- you practice using an assessment form

- you use AI to check your work

- you talk about your internship 

- you play games to practice writing and speaking

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Talking - My internship
Make groups of 3

1. What did a typical work day look like?
2. Did you learn anything new? 
3. Would you want to work for this company?

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Work in groups of 3

Have a conversation about your internship.
Ask each other questions. 
(where, when, what, why, how . . .)

Afterwards you have to be able to tell about the other persons' internship. 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

What should you never ask or reveal in AI?

Slide 10 - Woordweb

1. Confidential Business Data

2. Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

3. Ethically Questionable or Illegal Queries

4. Open-Ended "What Should I Do?" Scenarios
5. Requests for Real-Time Updates

6. Highly Technical or Niche Data Requests

7. Provocative or Harmful Prompts


Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Writing assignment 1
Work in pairs

Part 1:
- open your writing assignments in Teams
- fill in a form (beoordelingsformulier) for both assignments, both A2 and B1
Part 2:
- open AI (CoPilot or ChatGPT)
- let AI check your work. 
Come up with a good assignment so it checks for spelling and grammatical mistakes.
- have a good look at the improved work. What do you take away?  

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Work in pairs

 - throw 3 dice
- come up with a story
- write it down
- at least 10 sentences
- use your imagination

Slide 13 - Tekstslide


Playing games is a fun way to practice using a language.

Which language skills do you need to play a game?  

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Slide 15 - Video

Slide 16 - Video

Slide 17 - Video

Slide 18 - Video

Slide 19 - Video

Slide 20 - Video

Slide 21 - Video

Slide 22 - Video

Slide 23 - Video