Lessen serie cooking assignment

Tips vooraf het lesgeven over les 1 
  • Zorg ervoor dat alle leerlingen aan het einde van de uitleg een ingevuld schema hebben over nutrienten. Dit is kennisachtergrond voor de kookopdracht zelf.
  • Bepaal zelf of je liever groepjes van twee of drie hebt. Let op dit heeft wel invloed op het aantal gerechten.
  • Leg uit dat het eindproduct video, powerpoint, verslag mag zijn, zolang alle onderdelen maar aanwezig zijn. 
  • Kies of je de LL handleiding digitaal wilt of uitgeprint.
  • Elke les kan je ll beoordelen op inzet en huiswerk, gebruik hiervoor het overzicht excell document, deze kan je vinden op teams
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 50 slides, met tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

Tips vooraf het lesgeven over les 1 
  • Zorg ervoor dat alle leerlingen aan het einde van de uitleg een ingevuld schema hebben over nutrienten. Dit is kennisachtergrond voor de kookopdracht zelf.
  • Bepaal zelf of je liever groepjes van twee of drie hebt. Let op dit heeft wel invloed op het aantal gerechten.
  • Leg uit dat het eindproduct video, powerpoint, verslag mag zijn, zolang alle onderdelen maar aanwezig zijn. 
  • Kies of je de LL handleiding digitaal wilt of uitgeprint.
  • Elke les kan je ll beoordelen op inzet en huiswerk, gebruik hiervoor het overzicht excell document, deze kan je vinden op teams

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  • Overview upcoming weeks 
  • Theory what are nutrients? 
  • Introduction cooking assignment 
  • Homework 

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After today you... 
... can explain what he cooking assignment is
... can name the different types and functions of nutrients
 ... Maked a group of two or three students
... Choosed a specific diet for the cooking assignment

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Tijd om de kookopdracht uit te delen
  • Geprint of digitaal
  • Loop langs de intro, leerdoelen en de opdracht in het kort  

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After today you... 
... can explain what he cooking assignment is
... can name the different types and functions of nutrients
 ... Maked a group of two or three students
... Choosed a specific diet for the cooking assignment

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Remember the digestive system?
  • Function is to break nutrients down and absorb the nutrients. 
  • Nutrient =  substance that your body needs for energy, growth or recovery

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Different types of nutrients

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Let's focus 
  • On the next slide, the functions and examples of nutrients are shown. 
  • Fill in the nutrient table on your stencil 
  • Usefull for later on in the cooking assignment  

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Different types of nutrients

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  • Different forms of sugar 
  • Not all sugars can be broken down --> dietary fiber 
  • Functions; fuel, building block, reserves 
  • We need fuel for body respiration

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Dietary fiber
= all parts of vegetables we cannot digest. 
  • It's needed for the function of the digestive system 

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  • Most important building block
  •  growth, development and repair of the body
  • Also used as fuel and stored as reserve.

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  • Mostly used as fuel, but also a reserve and building block. 
  • Everything we eat that isn't used is stored as fat for reserve.
  • Fats also contains vitamins

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The good and the bad, balance is key

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  • Building block
  • Used for transporting substances 
  • 60% of the total body is made out of water  

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Different types of nutrients

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= Protective substances, make sure you don't get sick. 
  • Each vitamin has it own function
  • Also used as building blocks
  • Found in vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat

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  • Also known as salts
  • Both building blocks and protective substances  

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  • About your now filled in nutrient table?
  • About nutrients? 

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Let's go!
  • Make groups of two or three
  • Groups of two make a three course menu, groups of three a four course menu.
  • Choose a diet -> found at lesson 1 
  • Find background information about your diet.
  • Tip you can use the help questions found by lesson 1 
  • Teacher will walk by for questions
Homework next lesson: 
- A summarize of background information of the chosen diet. 

Homework is part of your grade, as you can see in the rubric!

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After today you... 
... can explain what he cooking assignment is
... can name the different types and functions of nutrients
 ... Maked a group of two or three students
... Choosed a specific diet for the cooking assignment

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Tips voor het lesgeven van les 2
  • Controleer het huiswerk en vul de excel HW en inzet bij.  
  • In deze les ga je uitleggen wat gezond is, benadruk dat alle voedingsstoffen nodig zijn maar dat balans de key is. 
  • Hou de uitleg kort, de ll zijn lang bezig om een menu uit te kiezen en de nutrient table te maken. 
  • Vergeet het huiswerk en inzet controle niet

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  • Theory: what is healthy
  • Start creating a menu and a nutrient table 
  • Homework check 
  • Homework next week 

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After today you...
... - Understand what is considered healthy
... start choosing your menu that is specialized to your own chosen diet.
... start making the nutrient table

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Wheel of five
In your group answer the following questions using the picture on the right: 
1. What are examples of food of each pie slice?
2.What does the size of each pie slice represent? 
3. Which nutrient group represent each colored pie size?
4. Do we need each nutrient group?

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Healthy is everything in balance 

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Reference intake 

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Ga met de leerlingen naar les 2 in de handleiding
Neem de stappen van de nutrient table door en laat ze daarna werken :)

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Let's go
  • Start working in your group on your menu and the nutrient table
  • The teacher will walk by for questions 
Homework next lesson:
- A filled in nutrient table. This nutrient table covers all the different dished and is suitable for your chosen diet.

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Tips voor het lesgeven van les 3 
  • Deel niet de voorbeelden met de leerlingen in eigen beheer --> anders gaan ze alleen de voorbeelden namaken. 
  • Benadruk dat in het eindproduct er een review is van gasteters met vragen en een eigen review over het kookproces en de uitkomst --> zie rubriek 
  • Print de voorbeeld meal reviews uit en neem ze aan het einde van de les in.
  • Vergeet het huiswerk en inzet controle niet.

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  • What is the best food reviews and why?
  • Homework check
  • Homework next week 

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After today you...
... can engage in a discussion about food reviews by sharing opinions.
... can formulate interview questions about a meal review
... can distinguish different qualities of a meal review.

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Sharing is caring
  • Your menu will be tasted by guest eaters. 
  • For each dish you want to receive a meal review.
  • This review will be part of your final product.

  • WARNING!  This is a different part then the self reflection on the process.

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What is good?
Each group will receive three different examples of food reviews.
1. List for each food review
    - Three good parts + explanation 
    - Three not so good parts + explanation
2. Put the reviews in order from best to worst. 
3. List three points you have learned from the assignment. 

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Let's go
  • Start making questions for your own food review
  • Make a planning for the cooking process --> 
Homework next lesson:
- Complete your interview questions for the food review.
- Make a planning for the cooking process.
o On what date are you going to cook?
o Where are you going to cook, ask your parents if it’s okay!
o Who are you going to interview for the meal review?
o Who is going to do the grocery shopping?

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Tips vooraf van les 4 
  • Plan het mond tot kont practicum op tijd in 
  • De demo duurt ongeveer 15 - 20 min, een voorbeeldvideo staat op SOM. 
  • Vergeet niet het huiswerk te controleren.

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  • Demonstration from mouth to bottom.
  •  Time to work on the final product 

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After today you...
... Understand how the human body takes up the different nutrients.
... Ask your questions about the final product.

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From mouth to bottom

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Questions about the cooking assignment? 

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Let's go!
  1. Time to work on the final product. 
- The teacher will walk by for questions. 

Homework next lesson:
- Work on the final product

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Tips vooraf les 5
  • Print van tevoren de rubrics uit. 
  • Loop de rubriek door met de leerlingen. 
  • Vergeet de inzet controle niet toe te voegen in excell

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  • Rubric cooking assignment 
  • Help your peers
  • Time to work on the final product  

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Open nu op je computer de kookrubriek en loop hem door
Goed bezig!

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Time for peer feedback
  • Each group will provide feedback to two other groups.
  • Fill the complete rubric in. 
Insert indeling groepjes hier []

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Let's go!
  1. Use the received feedback to improve your own final product.
  2. Time to work on the final product.
     - The teacher will walk by for questions. 

Homework next lesson:
- Compare your own final product with the rubric.
- Work in your group on the final product.

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Les 6
Helaas geen kant en klare les maak een eigen les waar je klas behoefte aan heeft.

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