Each of you picks two statements and gives his/her opinion on them. Ask follow-up questions.
‘Gaming is a sport.’
‘Mobile phones should be banned from school.’
‘Public transport should be free.’
‘Home schooling is better than traditional schooling.’
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Have a look at the statements below. Do you agree (+), somewhat agree (–/+) or disagree (–) with the statements. Read them out loud to your classmate.
Use stone 2
All teens should be required to volunteer in the community.
The internet should be banned from schools.
Children under 15 should not be allowed on social media sites.
All museums should be free for the public.
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Discuss them with your classmate.
Team up with a classmate. Can you think of words that you could use to express agreement or disagreement?
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Reading aloud
Read aloud the stones present in part H.
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
– Talk about each of the items and activities shown in the picture.
– Take turns telling each other what you think of the item or activity and ask for his/her opinion.
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
The position of your lips, tongue and jaw is the same when you make an /f/-sound and a /v/-sound. That’s why these sounds are called consonant pairs. The only difference between these sounds is that you can feel your vocal cords vibrating for the /v/-sound, but not for the /f/-sound. That’s why the /v/ is called a voiced consonant and the /f/ a voiceless consonant. The same goes for the consonant pair /k/ and /g/. /K/ is voiceless and /g/ is voiced.
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
The length of vowels before voiced consonants /v/ and /g/ is longer than vowels before the voiceless consonants /f/ and /k/. So to pronounce the words ‘save’ and ‘bag’ correctly, you have to make the consonants at the end of the word voiced and make the vowels longer. Otherwise these words will change and become different words like ‘safe’ instead of ‘save’ and ‘back’ instead of ‘bag’.
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
Listening to words
Look at the board. We will be listening to a few words spoken aloud and you can pick out whether it is a F/V or K/G.
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
A friend of yours is going on a date. Your friend asks you for advice on what to do.
– Decide who is going on a date and who will give advice.
– Talk together about which of the options in the picture are most suitable for a date.
– Make sure you include different constructions from Stone 2 and the Theme words.
– Talk for about three minutes. Pay attention to pronouncing words with f, v, k or g correctly.
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Huiswerk controle
Alle gedeeltes tot nu toe, specifieke controle op gedeelte G- Reading!
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