Third conditional

Good morning!
Do this first:
Remove chewing gum, mobile phones, headphones & coats

Then do this:
- Open laptop & login @
- Put a pen(cil) on the table (yes, you really need it....)
- Keep your workbook & vocab list close.

1 / 30
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 30 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Good morning!
Do this first:
Remove chewing gum, mobile phones, headphones & coats

Then do this:
- Open laptop & login @
- Put a pen(cil) on the table (yes, you really need it....)
- Keep your workbook & vocab list close.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Students enter class.. (5 min)

Docent: heeft op elke tafel een werkboekje gelegd.
Third conditional
Talking about things that happened in the past.
What would happen if you changed them?

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

(1 minute)
Learning goals
At the end of this lesson...

...You can tell someone about events in the past, how you would have liked to change them, and what effect that change would have had on the future.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

(1 minute)

Aan het einde van deze les kun jij:
Iemand vertellen over gebeurtenissen uit het verleden en hoe je ze zou hebben veranderd als je dat kon. Je kunt ook vertellen hoe dat je huidige leven zou hebben veranderd. 
En dat in 1 zin....
What do we remember?
We have talked about...

- Things that happened in the past and still continue now, OR we can still see the effect of it.

- Things that happened in the past, before something else happened.

... and what are the rules?

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

2 minuut

Docent: hoe zat dat ook alweer?
We hebben deze onderwerpen eerder behandeld. Wat was de regels bij deze scenario's?

Ze lijken erg op elkaar... Maar er is één verschil.

Laat leerlingen nadenken.
What do we remember?
The rules:

- Things that happened in the past and still continue now, OR we can still see the effect of it.
Present perfect: has/have + 3rd row/ww+ed (has walked, have gone)
- Things that happened in the past, before something else happened.
Past perfecthad 3rd row/ww+ed (had watched, had done)

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

3 minuten

Had je ze gevonden? Controleer je werk. Schrijf de regels op je werkblad.

Docent: omcirkel de verschillen (had/has/have)
What do we remember?

if =
would =

Write the translations on your worksheet.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

1 minuut

Deze woorden hebben we eerder gebruikt. Wat betekenen ze ook alweer?

Schrijf de vertaling op je werkblad.
If I had bought the winning lottery ticket,
I would not have been here...

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

1 minuut

We gaan wat nieuws leren. Ik weet wel wat ik had gedaan met het winnende lot. Lekker met m'n luie reet op een tropisch eiland.
If I had bought the winning lottery ticket,
I would not have been here...
If you could change the past, how would that affect current times?

Think of a happening in the past, that you would've liked to change. Discuss with your classmate.

Example: If I had studied harder, I would have passed the test.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

4 minuten

Docent: vertaal waar nodig.
Moeilijke woorden staan in de woordenlijst.

Leerlingen hebben enkele minuten om een (denkbeeldig) scenario uit het verleden te bespreken met buurman/buurvrouw. Engels.
What would you have liked to change?
If .... had(n’t) happened, .... would (not) have …”
If .... had (not) done that, .... would (not) have …”
- ........
- ........
- ........
- ........
- ........

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

5 minuten

Leerlingen: begin met de If... clausule

Docent: Schrijf de zinnen van de leerlingen op het bord. Zorg ervoor dat de zinnen kloppend zijn met het gebruik van de Third Conditional. Verander waar nodig: "Super voorbeeld, ik maak hem nog een beetje anders ok? Goed gedaan!"
Can you find the verbs?

- ........
- ........
- ........
- ........
- ........

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

2 minuten

Laat de zinnen van de leerlingen op het smartboard staan.
Wijs de leerlingen op hun cheat sheet.
Omcirkel de werkwoorden op het bord, in kleur.
What other words are the same?

Can you find the rule? 
Write it down on your sheet of paper.

- ........
- ........
- ........
- ........
- ........

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

1 minuut

Laat de zinnen van de leerlingen op het smartboard staan.
Omcirkel de 'gelijke woorden' op het bord, in een andere kleur. IF en WOULD als deze nog niet zijn gevonden.
Share the rule with the class.

Slide 12 - Open vraag

5 minuten. Leerlingen voeren antwoorden in.

Leerlingen controleren elkaars werk.
Twee opties:
- Leerlingen discussiëren over hun antwoorden
- Docent vraagt leerlingen om hun antwoord te onderbouwen.

If something important had happened in the past, today would have been different.
(if past perfect),(would + present perfect)

The rule = If + past perfect, would + present perfect

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

1 minuut

- Controleer je regel. Begrijp je wat er wordt gedaan?
Docent: herhaalt de regel hardop. Legt nogmaals uit waar nodig


Today would have been different isomething important had happened in the past.
(would present perfect(if past perfect)

= No comma! =

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

1 minuut

- Wat is er anders aan deze zin, ten opzichte van de vorige slide?
- Wat valt je nog meer op?
- I wouldn't have overslept
- If she had gone to bed earlier,
- I could have lent you the money
- They wouldn’t have found out
- You could have been a doctor
- If you'd been more organised,

if my alarm clock had gone off.
she wouldn't have been tired.
if you'd asked.
you wouldn't have been so stressed.
if you hadn't told them.
if you had studied medicine.

Slide 15 - Sleepvraag

3 minuten

Vertel: let op, de zinnen staan door elkaar. Je moet twee delen van een zin bij elkaar zoeken. Weet je nog waar 1 deel altijd mee begint? (IF)

IF + had (ww)
WOULD + have (ww)
(if + past perfect), (would + present perfect)

If I had bought the winning lottery ticket,
I would had a million bucks.
I would have quiet my job.
I'd be very rich right now!
I would have bought a new house.

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

2 minuten

Docent: leg uit, leerling vult de zin aan
(if + past perfect), (would + present perfect)

If my dog hadn't eaten that sandwich,
it would've saved me from running to the vet
I would still have a sandwich right now
I wouldn't be hungry
the vet wouldn't have to make him puke

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

1 minuut
(would + present perfect) (if + past perfect)

I would've watched Bridgerton ten times
if lightning wouldn't have struck our house
if I had buyed a Netflix subscription...
if my little sister hadn't broken the tv!
but I decided nine times was more than enough

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

1 minuut

Let op, zin is omgedraaid...

What would have happened if Tim had studied harder?
He would have passed his exam
He will pass his exam
He passes him exam
He would pass his exam

Slide 19 - Quizvraag

1 minuut

Find the correct result. Use the rules.

If Tim had studied harder, he...
Choose the correct question:
We wouldn't have missed our flight.
What happens if you will be on time?
What happens if you are on time?
What would have happened if you had been on time?
What would happen if you were on time?

Slide 20 - Quizvraag

1 minuut

Use the rules.
“We would have come if only the weather (not be) so beastly.”

Slide 21 - Open vraag

1 minuut

Use the right verbs. Let op! "If.."
“They (buy) them a present if they had had money.”

Slide 22 - Open vraag

1 minuut

Make a sentence with 'if' and 'would':

I - not - eat - lollipop - I - eat - something worse

Slide 23 - Open vraag

2 minuten

Begin met If
Make a sentence with 'if' and 'would':

she - not- give away - that collector's item - she - rich - right now

Slide 24 - Open vraag

2 minuten

begin met If
Make a sentence with 'would' and 'if':

I - have - enough money - I - not - given - it all - to the poor.

Slide 25 - Open vraag

2 minuten

Let op! Begin met een would zin....
Third conditional
Is used to talk about things that happened in the past 
- that could have been different -
if you would have changed the past.

If that had happened in the past, today would have been different.

The rule = (if + past perfect),(would + present perfect)
OR = (would + present perfect)(if + past perfect)

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

2 minuten

Excellent job. You have mastered the Third conditional. 
Learning goal:
Can you tell someone about events in the past, how you would have liked to change them, and what effect that change would have had on the future?

Slide 27 - Poll

Deze slide heeft geen instructies

Third conditional

Workbook Third Conditional
All pages. Make sure to use your notes!

Bring your workbook to class on Friday.
We will review together.

Slide 28 - Tekstslide

2 minuten

Excellent job. You have mastered the Third conditional. 

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

.... minuten
Stoelen aanschuiven, ramen dicht, katrollen oprollen...

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

Deze slide heeft geen instructies