In deze les zitten 11 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.
Lesduur is: 30 min
Onderdelen in deze les
A is for apple, B is for bed, C is for …
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
a Write words for at least the 6 following letters in the alphabet. How many can you do in 5 minutes?
Slide 2 - Open vraag
A homonym is a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word but is different in meaning. The word “cookie” is a homonym. It has 3 different meanings. Do you know them?
Note! A homonym can also sound the same, but be spelled differently. Like: deer / dear
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
1 a small, flat round treat made from flour and sugar;
2 a special kind of person, for example “a tough cookie” is a tough person;
3 a small file from a website stored on your computer and with information about you (such as an identification code or a record of the web pages you have visited).
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Write down 3 homonyms plus their different meanings.
Slide 5 - Open vraag
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Going Viral
The coronavirus isn’t the only thing that is spreading around the world. How about all the stuff on social media. Have you ever wondered why certain posts go viral?
Let’s take a closer look at a recent viral "cookie". Read about it here & answer the questions-> text & assignment is in classroom - You have 20 minutes
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
I will share my screen with you to check your answers:
count your points - the maximum number of points is 23
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
How many points did you score?
Slide 9 - Woordweb
How many new English words did you learn from this assignment?
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