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Learning Technique: Reading Aloud - The Magical Storytelling Quest

The Magical
Storytelling Quest
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EnglishPrimary Education

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min


In the Enchanted Forest of Stories, the little bunny Crumb discovers a mysterious book titled “The Enchanted Pages.” As soon as he begins reading, he is swept into the World of Stories. Together with King Book and an unexpected ally, the Sad Semicolon, Crumb embarks on a quest to find a stolen page that keeps the gateway to the World of Stories sealed. This heartwarming and magical tale explores friendship, the significance of every mark, and the restoration of balance in endless storytelling. This read-aloud story was created by LessonUp (text) and ChatGPT/DALL-E (illustrations).


Would you like to read the story yourself with a printed version? Click on 'Attachments' to print the story.


Items in this lesson

The Magical
Storytelling Quest

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Deep in the Enchanted Forest of Tales lived Crumb, a curious little rabbit who loved books more than carrots. His favorite spot in the forest was nestled among the softly moss-covered roots of the big, cozy Storytelling Tree.

One day, Crumb discovered a shiny book with golden letters beneath the Storytelling Tree. He had never seen such a beautiful book before. On the cover, it read "The Enchanted Pages." Crumb was so curious that he opened the book immediately and began to read.

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When Crumb had barely read the first few words, something happened. The forest around him began to tremble, and Crumb felt dizzy. Before he knew what was happening, he was pulled into the story.

The trembling stopped just as suddenly as it had started. Crumb shook his ears straight and looked around in confusion. He was no longer in the Forest of Stories. He was sitting on a flying book. The book soared high through the air, at great speed! The wind whooshed through Crumb’s fur.

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How would it sound to be sucked into a story? 
Let the students make sounds.
The book landed in a colourful land full of talking animals and whistling trees. Crumb dismounted and looked around in amazement. He felt a tap on his shoulder. Who did that?
A Silver Question Mark pointed Crumb toward a magnificent castle and asked, "Do you know the Shimmering Castle of Stories? That’s where King Book lives, and he would like to meet you. Will you come along?"

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It is rude to keep a king waiting. So, Crumb followed the Question Mark along the Reading Glass Path and hurried to reach the king. Before he could even knock on the great castle door, it swung open. And there, in the reception hall of the Shining Castle, sat King Book.
King Book was a kind ruler with a crown of golden pages. He warmly welcomed Crumb and asked him countless questions about his flight on the book.

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Suddenly, a strong wind arose, and a dark cloud swirled around the king. Before they knew what was happening, the thundercloud tore one of the shimmering pages from the king’s crown.

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Which voice suits the King best?
Drag that voice to the King.

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Remember the color of the voice the students choose.
"Without this page, the gate to the World of Stories will never open again. No new stories will be told! And you won’t be able to return to your world, Crumb."
"I can hardly bring myself to ask," said King Book shyly, "but could you help us bring the page back and restore balance to the World of Stories?"
As wonderful as it was with King Book, Crumb was eager to return home! And so, he bravely set off.

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Click here again to select the color of the chosen voice.
Crumb flew to the Cave of Forgetfulness on his book. Inside, it was dark and cold. Shivering, Crumb walked through the cave. In a dark corner, he saw a Semicolon sitting with a page from the crown in his hand. He was crying a little and said, 
"I’m not a Semicolon. I’m just a lonely Full Stop that you never hear. No one reads me aloud. I’m so afraid of being forgotten. With me, everything ends. A full stop is always an ending. The end of a sentence or the end of a story."
Crumb walked up to the sad Full Stop and sat down next to him. The Full Stop looked up and said sadly, "I didn’t want to steal the page. I just didn’t want the story to end. I didn’t want to put a full stop at the end of it. That’s why I stole the page -
 so the story would go on forever!

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Task: The evil Semicolon is actually a Sad Period.
How would its voice sound?
Crumb had to make Full Stop feel better. He told Full Stop that there are no infinite stories. And without Full Stop, sentences and stories would never have an end. Full Stop actually had a very important task! 
"You make sure a story is divided into sentences. Without you, no one would know where one sentence ends and the next begins. Stories would be impossible to understand and would never stop.  No one would have time for stories, because who could listen forever?" 
To comfort Full Stop, Crumb read a little story aloud and made sure to clearly emphasise each Full Stop. Full Stop became happier and happier. He appeared so often in a story. He was very important!  "I’m not forgotten at all, Crumb! You don’t read me aloud, 
but you know I'm there!

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Assignment: Read a part of the story without periods. How does it sound? Is it easy to read the story aloud correctly?

Extra assignment: Copy this slide, remove all the periods, and have the students read the text. Can they place the periods in the correct spots?
Suddenly, Full Stop looked sad again.
 "What have I done!? Because of me, the Gate to the World of Stories will stay closed forever, and no more stories will come. I must return the page to the king, but I’m too scared to do it alone."
Ashamed, he crawled even deeper into the dark corner. Crumb stood up and said, "Then we’ll go together! King Book will be especially happy when you bring him back 
his Golden Page!"

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Together, they hurried back to the Shining Castle as fast as they could, and very carefully, Full Stop placed the page back into the king's crown. Immediately, stories began to flow worldwide
How happy everyone was!

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As a reward, Crumb received a book full of beautiful stories, and with that, he returned to the Forest of Tales. He shared his adventure with his friends and read aloud from his book. At the end of each story, Crumb would say loudly
and clearly: "Full stop, the end!"

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Task: Change the ending.

Ask the students to come up with an alternative ending for the story. Encourage them to be creative and explain why they chose that new ending.
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