How it works
Do you want to try out our online teaching platform? Register to try out our toolkit, and scan through our lesson library and professional development resources: for FREE! Experience first hand the many ways LessonUp can support you in doing the most important job in the world.

What is LessonUp?
LessonUp is an online teaching platform where you can find, create, and teach interactive lessons both in-person and online, while gaining valuable insights into student learning.
The real magic takes place while you are teaching. This is where LessonUp supports you in connecting and engaging with your students! Having only one screen open eliminates the hassle of switching between platforms. Our interactive features cover all phases of a lesson—from activating prior knowledge, to explaining a new topic in different ways, to assessing students’ understanding. This data serves as readily accessible evidence, enhancing your understanding of each student’s needs.

How do you sign up for our free version?
We offer a free version of our digital toolkit, which is available for everybody. It includes some interactive features to engage your students, and encourage an inclusive classroom.
The 'Register' button is clearly indicated in our homepage, and under this paragraph (Start now for free). No payment details are required, and for 30 full days you will have free access to our Pro subscription. After that, your account will be automatically switched to a free subscription, which still gives you access to some interactive features. For more information on our subscription types, check our subscription overview.

How does LessonUp connect you with others?
Students & colleagues
In the student reports, you have the ability to deliver instant feedback on every answer provided by your students in interactive assignments. Use this data as evidence of progress and learning during department meetings, inspections, and parent-teacher conferences.
Other teachers & educators
We offer both very practical webinars to learn how to use our platform, and webinars linked to the pedagogy and learning techniques that make up for the themes of our CPD papers. From Rosenshine’s principles to critical thinking, from active learning to our latest, unmissable formative assessment guide! They are all free resources that you can download after filling in a simple digital form, connecting you to experts and educators.
Interactive features that boost student engagement
Learn about the interactive features, and how to apply them in your lessons.