Please adapt to reflect your school's Safeguarding Policy.
Good behaviour for learning is a set of actions and attitudes that allow for effective learning and positive interactions with others in the classroom.
It means helping yourself and your class to learn well.
What is Good Behaviour for Learning?
Slide 4 - Slide
This is quite a wordy explanation but actually offers the opportunity to explore what 'effective' and 'positive' mean...your pupils may have a different view to your own!.
You can show that you are using Active Listening by:
paying attention to the teacher
asking questions
taking notes
Active Listening
Slide 5 - Slide
Explain what active listening is and why it is important for good behaviour in the classroom.
Shouting out
Looking at the teacher
Swinging on
your chair legs
Asking questions
Nodding or smiling
at the teacher
Slide 6 - Drag question
This drag and drop offers pupils the opportunity to consider some of their own behaviours and how they may support/ hinder learning.
Add to or amend the captions to suit your context.
If you do not follow the school rules and show good behaviour for learning, you might receive a detention.
This usually takes place straight after the end of the school day.
You might need to complete some work or spend time thinking about your behaviour.
Slide 7 - Slide
This may be a source of worry for a significant number of pupils within your class. Assess whether some pupils may need to access this content early so that they are ready to talk about detentions,
Slide 8 - Video
Link to your feeder secondary policy.
The DfE guidance is below to share with parents, should they request it:
Slide about timetables and how to read them.
Why Might Someone Receive a Detention?
Slide 9 - Open question
You may wish to respond creatively to this question or keep the tone moderate and respond via a list.
Write a short letter to a friend who is worried about getting a detention.
What can you say to them to remind them
about good behaviour for learning?
Slide 10 - Open question
LessonUp offers the opportunity to respond directly into the platform via a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
You may wish to write these letters on paper and upload them instead.
How Can I Show
Good Learning Behaviours?
Slide 11 - Mind map
This slide brings together the learning from the session.
Remember, you can move around responses to group and discuss.
Pupil names can be removed before responses are revealed to enable pupils to respond with confidence.
I understand a lot more about how rewards
and sanctions work at Secondary School.
Slide 12 - Poll
This item has no instructions
Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug