LessonUp Academy

Maia in LessonUp

Maia in LessonUp
Creating a lesson structure using OpenAI
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This lesson contains 19 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Maia in LessonUp
Creating a lesson structure using OpenAI

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Perhaps you've heard the word 'OpenAI'. LessonUp is also using it now. Why? To make the life of you as a teacher a bit easier.

Here, we'll explain to you briefly:

  • What OpenAI is,
  • What Maia is in LessonUp,
  • How this can assist you with lesson structure
     and inspiration,
  • How you can do this step by step in LessonUp.

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A few small things beforehand...
The ChatGPT feature was developed by the company OpenAI in 2020. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which means: artificial intelligence.
What is OpenAI?
OpenAI is an AI language model. The model learns from data and patterns, making itself smarter. This allows it to formulate answers to questions and respond to the context of a conversation.
To chat with Maia, your AI assistant, you use the PREP model.
P Prompt it
R Give it a Role
E Give it Explicit instructions
P Give clear Parameters
You only need to enter a clear instruction: a prompt.
Text, not images
Chatting with
OpenAI in LessonUp

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Maia in LessonUp
Maia is your AI assistant on LessonUp. You can use her assistance to create a lesson structure or interactive lesson components for you.

You can utilize Maia's help for various purposes, including:
  • Creating a lesson structure.
  • Creating quiz questions or polls (read more).
  • Creating quiz questions or polls based on existing slides (read more).

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Creating a lesson structure using Maia
To create a lesson structure* 
using Maia, you need to provide 
her with information.

This can be done in two different
ways: by providing information 
via text or by providing 
information via images.
*We refer to it as a lesson structure because the slides that Maia creates for you do not yet form a complete lesson. You need to review these slides and add appropriate layout and images.

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Creating a lesson based on text
When you choose the text option, 
you then have the choice to provide 
Maia with a task yourself. Such a task 
is called a prompt. When you write 
a prompt, Maia uses that information 
to create slides and adds relevant 
information to them.

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Creating a lesson based on text
When you choose the text option, you then have the 
choice to provide Maia with a task yourself. Such a 
task is called a prompt (more on this later). 
When you write a prompt, Maia uses that information 
to create slides and adds relevant information to them.

The other option is to provide Maia with a lot of 
information, for example, by copying an extensive 
(public) article. When you choose this option, 
Maia only uses the information you provided 
to create slides. Maia does not add relevant 
information to it.

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Creating a lesson based on images
When you choose the image option, you are asked to upload images.

Maia scans these images and creates slides based on the text within the images. Therefore, it's important that the images you upload contain text.

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What is a prompt?
Artificial Intelligence only starts working for you when you clearly specify what it should do. In computer terminology, such a formulation is called a prompt: the information you provide to OpenAI to make it do what you want.

Think of it as entering the right search terms in a search engine like Google. The more specific you are, the better the search results.

Example of a prompt:
"A lesson for the subject of geography, with the topic of climate change. By the end of the lesson, the students should have learned what they can do to combat climate change. There should be a homework assignment at the end of the lesson."

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And now, you!
Creating your own lesson step by step.

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Creating a Lesson with Maia (1/5)
We will now guide you through five steps on how to generate your own lesson structure in LessonUp.

In My LessonUp, you'll see a button: Maia.
Click on it to open Maia. Then choose whether you want to create a lesson based on text or images.

Next, decide whether you want to write your own prompt or paste text from which Maia will create a lesson on its own.


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Creating a Lesson with Maia (2/5)
When you choose the text option, you have the choice to either write your own prompt or paste text from 
which Maia will create a lesson on its own. If you choose the image option, you can directly upload your own image.

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Creating a Lesson with Maia (3/5)
  1. Enter a prompt.
    Make it as specific as you want for your lesson.
  2. Set the language of the lesson under Language.
  3. Specify the maximum number of slides you want.
  4. Indicate which optional settings you want to enable/disable.
  5. Click on Create Structure to generate the lesson overview.

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Creating a Lesson with Maia (4/5)

Now you will see an overview of all the lesson components.
  1. Scroll down to deselect the lesson components you don't want.
  2. To the right of the slide title, you will see the type of slide it is (cover, slide, word web, open question, etc.).
  3. If you are not satisfied with the generated results,
    you can change your prompt.
  4. When you are satisfied, click on Create Lesson.

Did you know 💡: After creating your lesson, you can still add or remove slides as needed.


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Example (5/5)
The slides are added to your lesson. Make sure to review the slides before using them in your teaching, as there may be cases where the information from OpenAI is incorrect. Maintain control over your own lesson by verifying the information.

You can still add or remove slides and customize their appearance. Afterward, you'll be fully prepared to present your lesson. 🥳

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Adding Extra Interaction
If you want to delve deeper into the created slides, you can have additional quiz questions or polls generated for those slides.

Here's how it works:
  1. Select the slides for which you want to generate extra interactive questions by checking the boxes. Then, click on 'Ask Maia' in the bar at the top.
  2. The prompt is already prepared for you, so you don't need to fill it in.
  3. Click on generate quiz or poll.
  4. Review the interactive slides and choose which ones you want to use in your lesson.


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You have now learned:
  • What Maia is within LessonUp.
  • How to use this functionality to create an outline for your next lesson.

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Read the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.
Watch our many instructional videos here.
Our chat is always available at the bottom right to assist you.

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Make every class
better than the last

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