Ruimte voor talent

listening skills H5

Je maakt dit jaar een kijk- en luistertoets. De toets wordt gemaakt door CITO. Er is een aparte versie voor dyslectische leerlingen. Er is geen herkansing
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 35 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 4 videos.

Items in this lesson

Je maakt dit jaar een kijk- en luistertoets. De toets wordt gemaakt door CITO. Er is een aparte versie voor dyslectische leerlingen. Er is geen herkansing

Slide 1 - Slide

Online you can find many videos with tips on how to do a listening test.
You can find some below

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Video

Slide 4 - Video

Slide 5 - Video

Slide 6 - Video

Big tip!
Always listen carefully to the introduction!

Heather Payton is the interviewer

What is the topic of this listening test?


Slide 7 - Slide

Hello and welcome. If you like me you spent a large part of your formative years in the local library, it may dismay you to hear that in the past two decades our book borrowing has halved. But it probably won't surprise you particularly. Lots of the chores we used libraries for have been replaced by the Internet. And of course bookshops are now much more welcoming places, where you can actually sit and browse without being frowned at. So, whta's to become of the poor old library? Become more like the bookshops that have partly replaced them? Should they lovingly embrace technology, put their books on line even, like one famous library has done. Well, yes, all .

Slide 8 - Slide

what do you know about libraries?

Slide 9 - Mind map

question 1
You have to finish the last line. The last line is the conclusion so you have to listen carefully to everything to be able to draw a conclusion.

Wat is het bezwaar dat Tim Coates heeft tegen de bibliotheek?
Wat zal hij van de bibliotheek vinden op basis van zijn bezwaar?

vraag 1

Slide 10 - Slide

They didn't have the books we wanted and generally they were shut when you wanted them to be open.

Slide 11 - Slide

question 1
waste of money

Slide 12 - Quiz

question 2
Fill in the missing words:

Ok, well we know, that, er, these days not only has book borrowing .... (1) from ....(2) years back, so is book buying by the libraries. Andrew, is the, the problem ....(3) down to the ....(4) or is it much more ....(5) than that?

It's quite a complicated picture. If you look at the ....(6) you will see that , yes, book ....(7) has ....(8) substantially in five years, about ....(9) percent. At the same time, if you look at library visits, different ....(10) of library use including reference use, use of the Internet and other sortsvof, er, ....(11), that's only down six per cent in the last five years. And in the last year it actually ....(12)...one and a half per cent. So there is .....
vraag 2

Slide 13 - Slide

Ok, well we know, that, er, these days not only has book borrowing halved.(1) from 20.(2) years back, so is book buying by the libraries. Andrew, is the, the problem (3) down to the  Internet(4) or is it much more complicated(5) than that?

It's quite a complicated picture. If you look at the statistics(6) you will see that , yes, book borrowing (7) has declined(8) substantially in five years, about .twenty(9) percent. At the same time, if you look at library visits, different types(10) of library use including reference use, use of the Internet and other sortsof, er, services(11), that's only down six per cent in the last five years. And in the last year it actually increased (12)...one and a half per cent. So there is .....

Slide 14 - Slide

Are the numbers all positive or negative or are some numbers positive and some negative?

Slide 15 - Slide

question 2
vraag 2
growing cause for concern
a mix of different trends

Slide 16 - Quiz

question 3
What do the bookshops offer its customers that libraries should offer its customers too?

Do libraries offer this to its customers? 

Tim says "They got left behind really" What does this mean?
vraag 3

Slide 17 - Slide

Heather: Thye're very good at presenting the stock attractively, so that you wan tto read, you want to take things off the shelf and you want to buy.
Tim: Bookshops now become the place you can go and sit with a pile of books.


It means that they have not changed with the times and bookshops have done.

Slide 18 - Slide

vraag 3
what we expect bookshops to be like
where libraries have missed the boat

Slide 19 - Quiz

question 4
What is a borough?
What is the name of the borough that is mentioned?
What is Sergio Dogliani's job?
How does Dylan  describe the building?
Why does it attract huge numbers of people in the store?

vraag 4

Slide 20 - Slide

  1. A borough is een soort wijk. Londen is onderverdeeld in boroughs
  2. Tower Hamlets
  3. He is the manager at Idea Store Bow
  4. It's an amazing building. It's in bright primary colours. It's a relentlessly high-tech building.
  5. It attracts huge numbers of people because it has the retail feel, the feel of a smart department store.

Slide 21 - Slide

question 4
vraag 4
will want to spend some time in
will readily associate with books

Slide 22 - Quiz

question 5
Why does Alex rather come to Idea Store Bow than to the library?
vraag 5

Slide 23 - Slide

Because it is noisier and he doesn't get  told off for being noisy.

Slide 24 - Slide

vraag 5
do what you want
choose your own books

Slide 25 - Quiz

part 2
You are now going to listen to an interview. You have to choose one of three answers.  Read the question and the answers in the break between the fragments.
Listen to the example to know what the interview will be about.

What is the interview about?
vraag 6

Slide 26 - Slide

The interview is about an organisation called Sustrans which designed and implemented thousands of miles of paths to form the National Cycle Network. They want to get everbody to get on their bikes and use more sustainable forms of transport. Not everybody agrees with them.

Slide 27 - Slide

What do you know about cycling and cyclepaths in England?

Slide 28 - Mind map

what do the people say about to going by bike?
woman 1:  YES / NO  Why?
woman 2: YES / NO Why?
man 1: YES / NO Why?

Slide 29 - Slide

woman 1: NO, because she has to carry a lot of things with her for work and she has got a baby, who she cannot take with her on a bike.
woman 2: NO, because she needs the car for work and for her lifestyle.
man 1: NO, because he lives 10 miles from his work and it he thinks it would take too much time to cycle to work

Slide 30 - Slide

The four interviewees all give
vraag 6
examples of facilities needed to get people cycling
explanations for the increasing use of cars
reasons for driving a car rather than cycling

Slide 31 - Quiz

vraag 7
Yvonne: But there are people who have taken up cycling in favour of driving, like Peter Thompson, a lecturer at York University.
What are 2 benefits of cycling according to Peter?
Does Peter think that more - the same - or less people cycle compared to 20 years ago? Why?

vraag 7

Slide 32 - Slide

The benefits are: it is quicker and you do not have to park your car (which is difficult in York)

More people cycle now compared to 20 years ago because of various incentives and good cycling routes

Slide 33 - Slide

What, according to Peter Thompson, has caused the numbe rof cyclists in York to grow?
vraag 7
positive measures to stimulate cycling
campaigns to change people's mentality
the rising cost of car use

Slide 34 - Quiz

be smart!
Do not think of what your opinion is! The makers of a test sometimes include a popular opinion among the choices.

Do not choose an answer if it is not discussed/mentioned. In question 7, for instance, you did not hear anything about a campaign ( commercials etc) to encourage people to cycle or about how expensive it is to drive a car ( money is not mentioned: no € or £)

Slide 35 - Slide