ROC Mondriaan

Past Continuous, Present Perfect

Past Simple and Past Continuous
1 / 39
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 39 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Slide 1 - Slide

Past Simple
Past Continuous

Slide 2 - Slide

past simple: bevestigen
- Gebruik:
   - verleden
> helemaal voorbij
   - je weet wanneer het gebeurde
   - het is afgesloten / afgerond

- Vorm:
    - regelmatige werkwoorden + ed
    - onregelmatige werkwoorden > 2e rijtje

Slide 3 - Slide

Past simple: vragen en ontkennen
- Vorm:
    - did + hele werkwoord
Did you watch the Voice yesterday?

- Vorm:
    - didn't (did not) + hele werkwoord
We didn't go to a concert last year.


Slide 4 - Slide

Past Continuous

Slide 5 - Slide

It was raining.
(past continuous)
We were singing.
(past continuous)

Slide 6 - Slide

Past Simple / Past Continuous

Slide 7 - Slide

Past Continous en Past Simple

Past Continuous = al aan de gang ( lang)
Past Simple = iets gebeurde (kort)

Slide 8 - Slide

Past continuous vs. past simple
Deze zinnen kun je herkennen aan het woordje 'when':
''When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.''
'' What were you doing when the earthquake started?''

Als het woordje 'while' in de zin staat, gebeuren twee dingen tegelijk.
Dan gebruik je twee keer de past continuous:
''What were you doing while you were waiting?''
''I was studying while my father was making dinner.''

Slide 9 - Slide

Past continuous vs. past simple
Maar wat als er tijdens die periode iets anders gebeurd? 
''I was cooking dinner when my mother called.''
Dan gebruik je de past simple.

De activiteit die aan de gang was, is de past continuous.
De activiteit die 'erbij komt', is de past simple.

Slide 10 - Slide

present simple: always / every / sometimes / often / regularly / ..
present continuous: (right) now / at the moment / Listen! / Look!
past simple: yesterday / last / ago / in 1492 / the other day / ...
present perfect: for / yet / never / ever / just / already / since

Slide 11 - Slide

Past Simple = ww + ed
- verleden tijd
- plaatsgevonden en afgelopen
- wanneer is belangrijk
- Signaalwoorden: last week, in 2012

:) They cleaned the house last week
:( They didn't clean the house last week
? Did they clean the house last week?

Let op! Onr. ww = 2e rijtje
:) He wrote a letter to her yesterday
:( He didn't write a letter to her yesterday
? Did he write a letter to her yesterday?

Past Continuous = was/were + ww + ing
- verleden tijd
- was in het verleden aan de gang
- in NL: 'ik was aan het ....' 

:) They were cleaning the house when I came home
:( They weren't cleaning the house right now
? Were they cleaning the house right now?

Slide 12 - Slide

Fill in: I .............. to my neighbour yesterday.
were talking

Slide 13 - Quiz

Wat zijn signaalwoorden voor de past simple?
for, yet, never, ever
yesterday, last year, ago, when
always, often, usually, never
right now, at the moment

Slide 14 - Quiz

Fill in We ................... a good movie when the phone rang.
have watched
were watching
are watching

Slide 15 - Quiz

Wat zijn signaalwoorden voor de past continuous?
when, while
always, never, ever, often
right now, at the moment
yesterday, last week

Slide 16 - Quiz

Past continuous vs. past simple
Je gebruikt de past continuous i.c.m. de past simple om aan te geven dat er iets gebeurde (korte actie = past simple) terwijl er al iets aan de gang was (lange actie = past continuous).

 I was reading a book when the phone rang
I was washing my car when the accident happened

Slide 17 - Slide

Past Simple & Past Continuous
I _______________ (wait) for the bus when it _______________ (start) to rain. 

Slide 18 - Slide

Past Simple & Past Continuous
I WAS WAITING (wait) for the bus when it STARTED (start) to rain. 

Slide 19 - Slide

Past Continuous & Past Continuous
While we ______________________ (walk) the dog, the neighbours _______________ (wash) their car. 

Slide 20 - Slide

Past Continuous & Past Continuous
While we WERE WALKING (walk) the dog, the neighbours WERE WASHING (wash) their car. 

Slide 21 - Slide

Past Simple & Past Continuous
 I _________________________ (read) the newspaper, when all of a sudden my cat ___________________ (jump) onto my lap. 

Slide 22 - Slide

Past Simple & Past Continuous
 I WAS READING (read) the newspaper, when all of a sudden my cat JUMPED (jump) onto my lap. 

Slide 23 - Slide

I understand the difference between the Present Simple & Present Continuous ....
quite well, need to study a bit more
not really, I need to study a lot
not at all! Can you help me?

Slide 24 - Quiz

Present perfect
gebruik / vorm / ezelsbruggetje

Slide 25 - Slide

present perfect: gebruik en vorm
- Gebruik:
   - verleden begonnen, nu nog bezig

   - verleden gebeurd, nu nog merkbaar
   - ervaringen tot nu toe
- Vorm:
    - have / has (he-she-it) + voltooid deelwoord
       - regelmatige werkwoorden + ed
       - onregelmatige werkwoorden > 3e rijtje

Slide 26 - Slide

Present Perfect: ezelsbruggetje

Slide 27 - Slide

present perfect: ezelsbruggetje

For, Yet, Never, Ever
Just, Already (Always), Since

Slide 28 - Slide

Fill in the verb: He (lived) here since 1998.

Slide 29 - Open question

Fill in the verb: I (just/to finish) building this car.

Slide 30 - Open question

Fill in the verb: She (to buy) an umbrella yesterday.

Slide 31 - Open question

Next questions
From now on there will be a mix of tenses.
You only have to fill in the missing verb
If you need to fill in more than 1 verb in the sentence, devide your answers with a comma , 

Slide 32 - Slide

Do you realize that you _____
on my toe right now? (STAND)

Slide 33 - Open question

When we ____ to see them last night they _____ cards. (GO, PLAY)

Slide 34 - Open question

I am sorry that I ____ to leave the party so early last night, because I ______ myself. (HAVE, ENJOY)

Slide 35 - Open question

The boys _____ cards when they _______ their father’s steps. They quickly ____ the cards and ______ out their lesson books. (PLAY, HEAR, HIDE, TAKE)

Slide 36 - Open question

These wokers are never satisfied. They always ______ . (COMPLAIN)

Slide 37 - Open question

While I ______ for my passport I ____ this old photograph. (LOOK, FIND)

Slide 38 - Open question

__________ everything that the newspapers say ? - No, I ________ any of it. (YOU BELIEVE, NOT BELIEVE)

Slide 39 - Open question