ROC Mondriaan

Les 1: Elevator pitch

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Do you know what an elevator pitch is??
I recognize the name

Slide 2 - Poll

What do you know about elevator pitches?

Slide 3 - Open question

Slide 4 - Video

How long is your elevator pitch?

"Elevator" pitch -> The time you spend in an elevator going from one floor to the other.

Slide 5 - Slide

Wat is het eerste dat je doet in je pitch?
Kom met een persoonlijk verhaal
Benoem een probleem
Stel jezelf voor
Stel een vraag in de jij-vorm

Slide 6 - Quiz

Wat maakt de pitch een pitch?
De pitch is kort en to the point
De pitch is lang en simpel
De pitch is kort en ingewikkeld
De pitch is lang en ingewikkeld

Slide 7 - Quiz

Sharktank examples

Slide 8 - Slide

Wat moet je NIET doen tijdens je pitch?
Je luisteraars aankijken
Je luisteraars bedanken
Voorlezen van je blaadje
Je verhaal kort en krachtig houden

Slide 9 - Quiz

In creating, practicing, and presenting your elevator pitch, you learn to present yourself powerfully and convincingly in a very short time. You become aware of your way of speaking and presenting. You learn to observe and listen to yourself and others 

Important points:
● Posture
● Voice
● Eye contact
● Non-verbal communication 
● Humor (optional)

Slide 10 - Slide

Key points for an elevator pitch:
  • A pitch is brief and impactful.
  • Start or end with a question.
  • A pitch is customized. Adapt your pitch to the situation and your audience.
  • Use words that others can understand.
  • Speak in an active voice. For example, use “I want” instead of “I would like.”
  • Show your enthusiasm.
  • Be sincere.

Slide 11 - Slide

Your pitch is about your classmate, so you are going to interview someone. 

What should be in your pitch?
- Who is this person?
- Where are they from?
- Why are they a good classmate?
- Why do you think so?
- End in a proper way

Je krijgt nu 10 minuten om te schrijven en voor te bereiden!

Je gaat dus 1 minuut, in het Engels, over je klasgenoot praten aan de hand van de vragen die je net aan diegene hebt gesteld.


Slide 12 - Slide

Practicing your pitch

You will present your pitch to your classmate. You will time each other and give feedback.

Some people will present it in front of the class later

Slide 13 - Slide

Thanks for listening!

Slide 14 - Slide