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The Twist - the perfect murder - 4de jaars

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 8 videos.

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

At the end 
of the lesson...

  • Heb je goed kunnen oefenen met Engels luisteren.
  • Ken je de betekenis van minimaal 3 nieuwe Engelse woorden.
  • Heb je twee nieuwe dingen over Australië geleerd.

Slide 2 - Slide


Slide 3 - Video

Can you guess in what country this is? (answer in English)

Slide 4 - Open question

What do you know about Australia?

Slide 5 - Mind map

Three main characters 
 Camel Station
Snowey Rowless

Slide 6 - Slide

These man were staying at a camel station

Slide 7 - Slide

They worked on the rabbit proof fence

Slide 8 - Slide

You will now watch a 5 minute video about the perfect murder. 
After that we will show small parts of the video, followed by questions.

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

Can you solve the mistery?

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Video

People move around in this part of Australia, but new people are rare.

Slide 13 - Quiz

Slide 14 - Video

Who are these men?
Men who work at Camel Station.
Missing persons, who were probably killed.
Men who are wanted for murder .

Slide 15 - Quiz

Slide 16 - Video

Well detectives, who is responsible for the disappearance of the three men?

Slide 17 - Poll

Slide 18 - Video

what was the perfect murder?

Slide 19 - Slide

lure your victim into the bush
Shoot him
burn the body
sift for metals and bones
crush the bones 
dissolve the metal in acid

Slide 20 - Drag question

Slide 21 - Video

motive & evidence

Slide 22 - Mind map

Slide 23 - Video

Do you think Snowey Rowless deserved the death penalty?
I don't know

Slide 24 - Poll

the police report
- Kijk nog een keer de video
- Vul het politierapport in     
- Lever het rapport in voor het einde van de les

Slide 25 - Slide

At the end 
of the lesson...

  • Heb je goed kunnen oefenen met Engels luisteren?
  • Welke 3 nieuwe Engelse woorden heb je geleerd?
  • Welke twee nieuwe dingen weet je over Australië?

Slide 26 - Slide

Was het een leerzame les?

Slide 27 - Poll

Vond je deze les leuk?

Slide 28 - Poll