Teaching and Learning Techniques
Make Learning Engaging with Research-Backed Techniques

Learning Technique: What happened before? What happens after?

What happened before?
What happens after?
Learning Technique
1 / 6
Slide 1: Slide
LessonupAll Subjects+5Primary Education

This lesson contains 6 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 15 min


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This learning technique is based on the power of catchy images. They don't tell the full story, but only part of it, exciting students’ curiosity: What happened before? And after? 

How do you implement it?
To implement this learning technique you can use a mind map, a catchy image and 2 textual windows.

How does it work in the class?
This learning technique is the perfect way of introducing a new topic. Whether related to a major historical event, or to geography, chemistry, even meteorology. Everything is possible, depending on how creative you are willing to be.

Items in this lesson

What happened before?
What happens after?
Learning Technique

Slide 1 - Slide


Slide 2 - Slide


Slide 3 - Mind map


Slide 4 - Mind map


Slide 5 - Mind map


Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

Slide 6 - Slide