Introduction of all the stuff you need to do this year.
Don't worry, you will do great.
Goal: pass your central exams!
This lesson contains 8 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Introduction of all the stuff you need to do this year.
Don't worry, you will do great.
Goal: pass your central exams!
SE41: alle leerstof theme 1 (vocabulary, stones, grammar)
SE42: vocabulary en stones van theme 2 en 3
SE43: alle leerstof theme 4
SE44a: kijk/luistertoets CITO
SE44b: spreekvaardigheid in de vorm van een mondeling
SE44c: Inhoud 1 Engels boek en 1 Engelse film.
Vanaf april: examentrainingen
Vanaf mei: centrale examens van de theorievakken.
18 mei 2020: CE Engels