This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 90 min
Items in this lesson
Slide 1 - Slide
Today's plan
Schrijf Examen W7
Formal vs informal writing
Do's & Don'ts
Writing task
Slide 2 - Slide
Lesson goals
Writing Learn - formal and informal
Slide 3 - Slide
formal writing
Slide 4 - Slide
Structure email or letter of complaint
part 1
When you do know the recipient's name: Dear Mr (or Mrs, Ms, Miss, etc.) Surname.
When you don't know the recipient's name:
Dear Sir/Madam, or To whom it may concern.
part 2
introduction paragraph
In your first sentence draw the recipient’s attention to the matter you’re going to raise or discuss.
body paragraph(s)
Provide some detailed background information; describe the circumstances that resulted in your dissatisfaction. Then, expand on the effects and consequences the problem had—show what damage you’ve suffered.
final paragraph
In conclusion, you should state what your expectations are and when you want to receive an answer to your complaint.
part 3
the close
When you do know the recipient's name: Yours sincerely, When you don't know the recipient's name: Yours faithfully,
Type your name underneath your signature.
Slide 5 - Slide
Dear Sir / Madam,
Dear Mr Smith,
Dear Mrs Smith,
Dear Mr / Mrs Smith,
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Kind regards,
Slide 6 - Slide
Alinea 1/inleiding
Waarom/wie ben je
I am writing you to .... I am writing you because .... I am writing in response to ...
I would like to apply for the job of waitress... I saw your advertisement ...
Slide 7 - Slide
I look forward to your answer.
I look forward to your reply.
Learn by heart!
Slide 8 - Slide
Let op!
Let op je taalgebruik. Hou het netjes / formeel!
Gebruik geen samentrekkingen:
Do not, will not, going to, want to, you
Don't, won't, gonna, wanna u
Slide 9 - Slide
- Always write 'I' (ik) with a capital letter
- Always make sure your spelling and grammar is correct
- Write the first letter of a month with a capital letter (January)
- Don't use slangwords (spreektaal)
- Don't abbreviate (afkorten) words; I am --> not I'm
Slide 10 - Slide
Letter of complaint
This caused me to ...
Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat ik ...
I expect better service from a company of your reputation.
Ik verwacht betere service van een bedrijf met uw reputatie.
I am sure you will appreciate that this level of service is unacceptable.
Ik weet zeker dat u zult begrijpen dat deze service onacceptabel is.
I would like to know what action you will take to rectify this situation.
Ik zou graag willen weten welke acties u gaat ondernemen om deze situatie recht te zetten.
Slide 11 - Slide
letter of complaint
We regret to inform you that ...
Het spijt ons u te moeten mededelen dat ...
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with / at ...
Ik schrijf u om mijn ontevredenheid / ongenoegen over ... te uiten.
Unfortunately, this product was incorrectly invoiced.
Helaas is dit product onjuist gefactureerd.
I returned / explained / requested ...
Ik bracht het terug / legde uit / heb verzocht ...
Slide 12 - Slide
Tips for the complaint letter
Focus on the most important facts. Don't give unnecessary background information.
Make sure you include:
the reason for writing (e.g. I am writing to ...)
what went wrong
what you would like to happen now.
Complaint letters are usually written in a formal style.
Use passives to be less direct and more formal, e.g. I was served quickly.
Slide 13 - Slide
Articles (A/An)
A gebruik je voor woorden die beginnen met een medeklinker:
- A woman
- A shoe
AN gebruik je voor woorden die beginnen met een klinker
- An apple
- An egg
Maar ook als een klinker klinkt als een medeklinker:
- ''u'' klinkt als ''you'' -> A university
- ''o'' klinkt als ''w'' -> A one-room apartment
Maar ook als een medeklinker,klinkt als een klinker:
- een stomme ''h'' -> an hour
- een afkorting -> an NBC reporter
Slide 14 - Slide
Complaint letter/e-mail - example
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you this e-mail because I have a complaint to make.
Last week I ordered a computer through your site. We agreed that you would deliver the computer on the 2nd of April, that is today. I have been waiting the whole day. However I have not received the computer yet. You should have let me known about the delay. You could have phoned me for example or sent me an e-mail.
Could you please let me know what went wrong? I would like to know when you plan to deliver my computer.
I am looking forward to your speedy response.
Yours faithfully,
Susan Smith
Slide 15 - Slide
Mind your punctuation!
Slide 16 - Slide
Slide 17 - Slide
Slide 18 - Slide
Slide 19 - Slide
They gave flowers .... their grandmother.
Slide 20 - Quiz
Name an example of someone you would write an informal letter/email to
The principal
Your friend
The mayor
Someone you've never met
Slide 21 - Quiz
The sequel is even worse ......the first film.
Slide 22 - Quiz
For starters, look at
Slide 23 - Quiz
..... big fans of our teacher!
Slide 24 - Quiz
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully,
Inhoud formele brief
Jezelf voorstellen en waarom je schrijft
Slide 25 - Drag question
Choose the correct option for official letters
You are right
You're right
Your right
Your'e right
Slide 26 - Quiz
Zeg dat je graag een reactie wilt
I will a response please.
I want a response please.
I would like a response please.
Give me a response please.
Slide 27 - Quiz
Kies de beste optie
I look forward for your answer
I look forward to your answer.
I will look forward on your answer
I am looking for your answer
Slide 28 - Quiz
Word order Which sentence is correct?
He bought a car yesterday in London.
He bought a car in London yesterday.
He bought yesterday a car in London.
Slide 29 - Quiz
Word order: which sentence is correct?
We'll go next year to Thailand.
We'll go to Thailand next year.
Slide 30 - Quiz
Correct word order:
I met her in town yesterday.
I met her yesterday in town.
I yesterday met her in town.
I met yesterday her in town.
Slide 31 - Quiz
Write an email (200-300wrd)
1: Bestelling nog niet binnen na een week. Stuur een reminder.
2: Uitnodiging voor een surprise party voor je moeder (big 50).