V4 - P1 - Week 4 - Lesson 2 - Grammar - Past Simple/continuous + Wasp

V4 - Week 4 - Lesson 2
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 26 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

V4 - Week 4 - Lesson 2

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Lesson Goals
- You will have refreshed your grammar knowledge and practised it. 
- You will have practised your active listening and watching skills
- You will have practised your note taking skills
- You will have practised your vocabulary skills 

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Today's lesson
- Grammar: Past Simple + Past Continuous
Practise time

- Watching

- Vocabulary

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Refresher: past simple
  1. It ____________(be) great. 
  2. I _____________(travel)
    around by car with two friends. 
  3. We _____________(visit)  lots of interesting places. 
  4. In the evenings we _____________(go)
    to a pub. 
  5. We ______________ (be) very lucky with the weather. 
  6. But we ________________ (see)  some beautiful rainbows.

Slide 5 - Slide

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Put the answers to the Refresher here:

Slide 6 - Open question

It ____________(be) great.
I _____________(travel) around by car with two friends.
We _____________(visit) lots of interesting places.
In the evenings we _____________(go) to a pub.
We ______________ (be) very lucky with the weather.
But we ________________ (see) some beautiful rainbows.
Refresher: adjust your answers
  • I ______ 1 (sit) in a cafe when you _______ 2 (call) .
  • When you _______ 3 (arrive) at the party, who ______ 4 (be) there?
  • Susie ______ 5 (watch) a film when she _______ 6 (hear) the noise.
  • We _______ 7 (play) tennis when John ______ 8 (hurt) his ankle.

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Put the answers to the Refresher here:

Slide 8 - Open question

I ______ 1 (sit) in a cafe when you _______ 2 (call) .
When you _______ 3 (arrive) at the party, who ______ 4 (be) there?
Susie ______ 5 (watch) a film when she _______ 6 (hear) the noise.
We _______ 7 (play) tennis when John ______ 8 (hurt) his ankle.
Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?
De Past Simple iets dat in het verleden is begonnen en ook afgelopen, het is helemaal voorbij

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Hoe maak je de Past Simple?
De Past Simple maak je door -ed achter het werkwoord te zetten.
Voorbeeld: I looked, you kissed, we talked.

Let op! Er zijn wat uitzonderingen

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Onregelmatige werkwoorden: 2e rijtje

Er zijn meer uitzonderingen >>>

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Er kunnen woorden in de zin staan die aangeven dat het Past Simple is:
Yesterday, last night, last week, a month ago, a week ago, in 2015, when I was young, the other day, etc.

> Voorbeelden:
• He saw a Rolls Royce last week.
• She watched a horror film yesterday.
• They arrived last night.
• He met her two years ago.
• I went to England when I was young.

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De vragende en ontkennende vorm van de Past Simple
Vraagvorm: did + hele werkwoord 
Did I look at the car? 
Did she know the answer?

Ontkennende vorm: did + not + hele werkwoord 
I did not look. 
She did not know.

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Wanneer gebruik je de Past Continuous?
1. Je gebruikt de Past Continuous gebruik je om aan te geven dat iets al een tijd aan de gang was, en is afgelopen.
Voorbeeld: At 6 o'clock, I was eating dinner.
2. Je gebruikt de Past Continuous als er een gebeurtenis in het verleden is begonnen, maar wordt onderbroken door een andere gebeurtenis in het verleden. De onderbrekende gebeurtenis wordt gevormd met de Past Simple.
Voorbeeld: I was watching TV when he called.
3. Je gebruikt de Past Continuous als er twee gebeurtenissen in het verleden op hetzelfde moment waren uitgevoerd.
Voorbeeld: I was eating while he was studying.

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Hoe maak je de Past Continuous?
De Past Continuous maak je met een vorm van ‘to be’ in de verleden tijd (was/were) gevolgd door werkwoord + ing
Voorbeeld: I was walking, she was talking, we were swimming

Let op! Er zijn wat uitzonderingen

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Er kunnen woorden in de zin staan die aangeven dat het Past Continuous:
When, while. 

• While we were having a game, it started to hail.
• We were singing, when Patrick arrived.
• What were you doing while you were waiting?
• Tim was watching TV, while Bert was talking.
• I was travelling to Africa, when Julie tried to call me.

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De vragende en ontkennende vorm van de Past Continuous
Vraagvorm: was/were + werkwoord met -ing  
Was I looking? 
Were they talking?
Ontkennende vorm: was/were + not + werkwoord met -ing  
I was not (wasn’t) looking. 
They were not (weren’t) talking.

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Studentfile page 11

Assignment 34: 
- You will watch a video about Hurricane Hunters
- Take notes of what you see and hear
- Any new information you don't remember from the article? 

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Slide 23 - Video

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Studentfile page 11

Assignment 34: 
- Compare notes with your neighbour
- Did you write down the same things or not? 
- English only please!

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Studentfile page 11-12

Assignment 35: 
- A: Match the words with the correct descriptions
- B: Fill in the missing expressions from A (mind your grammar!)

Finished? do Assignment 33 or study the vocabulary (weektaak)

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Lesson Goals
- You have refreshed your grammar knowledge and practised it.
- You have practised your active listening and watching skills
- You have practised your note taking skills
- You have practised your vocabulary skills 

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