Question types

Goals for today 
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This lesson contains 12 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Goals for today 

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Question types

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Paper 2 questions 
In general there are three areas which the paper 2 questions focus on:
1. The context of composition: For what reasons do writers write? How do contextual factors such as time and place, influence their writing? 
2. Style or technique: How do writers write? What choices do they make? What techniques do they use to convey their message? 
3. The context of interpretation: How do readers read literary works? How does the context of the reader determinate reception of a text? 
4. Topic or theme: What is the message of a work? What themes do the works explore? How do they comment on these themes? 

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Types of questions. Type 1 
The first question type is about a stylistic or structural feature. These types of questions lend themselves well to Criterion B: analysis and evaluation. If the feature is about 'narrative perspective', for example, you may want to write body paragraphs on related features, such as flashbacks, dialogue and characterisation. As always, connect technique/form to meaning, while answering the question. 
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Types of questions. Type 2 
The second question type is intentionally difficult. The IB has been known to include questions that require deeper understanding of literature and contexts. Questions about how the meaning of a work has evolved over time or how the author's life has influenced the work are difficult if not impossible to answer. If you do not feel confident exploring answering these types of questions, avoid them! 
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Types of questions. Type 3 
The third question type is often about some kind of conflict or struggle. These struggles may be between competing concepts, such as 'new' and 'old', or juxtaposed settings, like 'rural' and 'urban', or characters, such as 'men' and 'women'. As you prepare your works, consider conflict, paradox and juxtaposition. You may be able to do something with these ideas in your Paper 2 response. 
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Types of questions. Type 4 
The fourth question type in  Paper 2 relates to an abstract concept, such as justice, faith, home, wealth or identity. These may or may not be related to one of the 7 concepts from the course: identity, communication, creativity, representation, transformation, perspective or culture. Discussing literary works in relation to these concepts is good preparation for Paper 2. 
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Consider when you are arguing your main claim: 

characterisation, symbols, motifs, themes, narrative structure, character development, narrative perspective, setting(s), names of people and places, literary style, linguistic techniques and stylistic choices. 
What makes the style of an author recognisable as that author? 

The question might not specifically ask you to comment on style, but you always should. 

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1. Authors sometimes tell their stories in a non-linear fashion. Compare how and for what reasons the authors of at least two works that you have read have told their stories in a non-linear fashion. 
2. The meaning of a literary work can change over time. Compare how the meanings of two literary works that you have read have changed over time. 
3. 'Fight or flight' is a term used to describe human responses to adverse circumstances. Compare how the authors of two literary works that you have read have depicted such human responses to adverse circumstances. 
4. Authors often write fiction as a means of social commentary . Compare how the authors of two works that you have read have written works of social commentary.
Paper 2 - Specimen 1 
source: Philpot education 

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1. Literary works are received differently in different places and times. Compare how two literary works that you have read have been received differently by different audiences. 
2. In what ways and for what reasons do two literary works that you have read appeal to their audiences' eyes and ears? Compare and contrast the ways in which they appeal to the auditory and visual senses of their audiences. 
3. Literary works often depict struggle between genders. Compare how two of the works that you have read depict a struggle between genders. 
4. Authors of literary works often write because they feel their stories need to be told. Compare the author's reasons for writing two literary works that you have read. 
Paper 2 - Specimen 2 
source: Philpot education 

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1. Pablo Picasso once said that 'Art is a lie that makes us realise the truth.' Compare how the authors of two literary works help their readers 'realise the truth'. 
2. One characteristic of a literary work is that it never stops speaking to audiences. Compare how two literary works have continued to speak to their audiences over time. 
3. Suspense is what keeps readers turning the pages of literary works. Compare and contrast the ways in which the authors of two literary works build suspense and capture the imagination of their readers.
4. The struggle agains injustice is a theme that speaks to readers. Compare the ways in which the authors of two literary works have depicted unjust worlds. 
Paper 2 - Specimen 3 
source: Philpot education 

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specimen paper #1 
Non-linear narration 
Meaning changes over time 
'Fight or flight'
Social commentary 

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