Welcome to the Netherlands - Introduction - Lesson 1
Welcome to the Netherlands
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsVoortgezet speciaal onderwijsLeerroute 1
This lesson contains 27 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 4 videos.
Lesson duration is: 40 min
Items in this lesson
Welcome to the Netherlands
Slide 1 - Slide
The Gehaktballen: Fiene, Julia, Eva & Roos
The Klompen: Nassim, Swen & Jalal Din
Kaas: Esmay, Joris, Luuk & Thomas
Slide 2 - Slide
No Dutch please, we're British!
This is an English language work shop and so we speak English only. If you don't know a word in English, just ask the teacher or say the Dutch word. You always need to try and speak English. That way your English will improve.
Slide 3 - Slide
House rules
Raise your hand if you want to speak or have a question.
Listen to each other. Be quiet when someone else is talking.
Be kind and don't laugh at others for trying.
No gaming/social media unless the teacher says so.
Orange slide is explainer, Blue slide is a question.
Slide 4 - Slide
This is a workshop about Dutch culture and by the end you will:
know what culture is;
know what Dutch culture is;
understand why you need to know these things.
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The end product
At the end of the workshops you will have created a beautiful poster in the shape of something Dutch. Your poster will have important information that people coming to visit or live in the Netherlands can read to understand Dutch culture better.
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Group work
You will be working in 2 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3.
You have 5 minutes to form your own groups.
If you can't decide for yourselves, Magister will decide for you.
Give your group a typical Dutch name like 'Team Oliebol'.
You will work with the same group until the last workshop.
Slide 7 - Slide
What do you think of when you hear the word 'culture'?
Slide 8 - Open question
A definition of culture
A definition of culture is: all the things that a group of people have in common. The things that are normal to them. These could be language, food, clothing, architecture, music, art, sports, religion, beliefs, habits, holidays and traditions.
Slide 9 - Slide
Name things that you think are typically Dutch.
Slide 10 - Open question
What are these 'typical' Dutch flowers called?
Slide 11 - Quiz
Slide 12 - Video
Slide 13 - Slide
Miffy (Nijntje)
Delftware (Delfts Blauw)
Raw Herring
Slide 14 - Drag question
Name ONE thing that is typical for New Year's eve in the Netherlands.
Slide 15 - Open question
Slide 16 - Video
What may be normal for you...
As you just saw from this YouTuber's reaction, what you may find normal, someone from outside of the Netherlands may find very peculiar and they will need to get used to it when they visit or come to live in the Netherlands. We call that a culture shock.
Slide 17 - Slide
Imagine you are not Dutch and you visit Amsterdam for the first time. What do you think you would notice?
Slide 18 - Open question
Slide 19 - Video
Is it just the foreigners?
So is it just tourists and people who come to live in the Netherlands that encounter this? Or do Dutch people also experience culture shocks when they are abroad?
What do some Dutch people say about this?
Slide 20 - Slide
Slide 21 - Video
Do you think a culture shock is always negative? Why or why not?
Slide 22 - Open question
What can we learn from this?
As you saw a different culture is not something to be afraid of. Some cultures have things we may find unusual or even weird, but almost every culture has elements that are surprisingly similar to ours or that we may actually find nice and interesting.
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The poster - content 1
Each member is responsible for 1 aspect of Dutch culture.
Each member chooses 1 different aspect from the list below:
language 4. architecture 7. religion and beliefs
food 5. music and art 8. habits
clothing 6. sports 9. holidays and traditions.
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The poster - layout
You divide your group's poster in 4 fields where each field is a different aspect of Dutch culture.
For instance:
Slide 25 - Slide
The poster - content 2
Each group member collects information and pictures about their topic and puts this in their field. The information are things you learned during this workshop, but also facts you have discovered yourself from the internet or from discussions with family and friends as well as pictures.
The team with the most creative and interesting poster will win a prize.