Sentence Structure

But there is something wrong with enforced displays of patriotism and public grief. It has become
almost a political protest not to wear a poppy these days. Look at your television screen – that
potent red emblem is pinned to almost every person on display, from football commentators to
political pundits. How many give much thought to the profound meaning before sticking it
dutifully on their chest?
Explain how the writer’s use of word choice conveys his dislike of the pressure to
wear poppies. (2)
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Slide 1: Open question
MathematicsUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)GCSE

This lesson contains 11 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

But there is something wrong with enforced displays of patriotism and public grief. It has become
almost a political protest not to wear a poppy these days. Look at your television screen – that
potent red emblem is pinned to almost every person on display, from football commentators to
political pundits. How many give much thought to the profound meaning before sticking it
dutifully on their chest?
Explain how the writer’s use of word choice conveys his dislike of the pressure to
wear poppies. (2)

Slide 1 - Open question

Sentence Structure

Slide 2 - Slide

Sentence Structure
To identify aspects of sentence structure​
To learn how a writer uses sentence structure to create effects​

I can answer a National 4 level sentence structure question
I can get 1 mark in a National 5 Sentence Structure Question
I can fet 2 marks in a National 5 Sentence Structure Question

Slide 3 - Slide

Identify the List, Short Sentence or Repetition
She scrubbed, dusted, hoovered and shined the floor. ​

It was cold. Bitterly freezing.

The storm was angry; the storm was powerful; the storm was a force like nothing on earth.

Short Sentence

Slide 4 - Drag question

What do they emphasise? 
- Can be used to emphasise the amount or variety of something
- Eg. There were so many shoes! Red, blue, pink, black, white, stilettos, knee-highs, strappy, kitten, heels. 

The writer uses a list of "___________ ..... ______________". 
This emphasises the amount/variety of ________________________

Slide 5 - Slide

What do they emphasise? 
- Is used to emphasise key words or phrases
- eg Never, never, never give up. 

The writer repeats the word/phrase "_______________________". 
The emphasises that _______________________________

Slide 6 - Slide

Practice Question
“Over the next six months, under Mrs Phelps’s watchful and compassionate eye, Matilda read the following books: Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and Gone to Earth by Mary Webb.”​

Question: How does the writer use sentence structure to show the number of books Matilda has read? (2)​
The writer uses a list of "                                                       ". 
This emphasises the amount/variety of 
books Matilda has read
Nicholas Nickelby ... by Mary Webb

Slide 7 - Drag question

“She was above all a most formidable female. She had once been a famous athlete, and even now the muscles were still clearly in evidence. You could see them in the bull-neck, in the big shoulders, in the thick arms, in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs.”

1. How does the writer use sentence structure to show how strong the Trunchbull is? (2)

Slide 8 - Open question

"This clot," boomed the Headmistress, pointing the riding-crop at him like a rapier, "this blackhead, this foul carbuncle, this poisonous pustule that you see before you is none other than a disgusting criminal, a denizen of the underworld, a member of the Mafia!"
"Who, me?" Bruce Bogtrotter said, looking genuinely puzzled.

2. How does the author use sentence structure to show how horrible the Trunchbull thinks Bruce is? (2) (Note – there are 2 lists in this extract, you only need to quote one.)

Slide 9 - Open question

On either side of the path there was a wilderness of nettles, weeds, daisies, foxglove, blackberry thorns and long brown grass. An enormous oak tree stood overshadowing the cottage.

3. How does the writer use sentence structure to show how many plants are in Miss Honey’s garden? (2)

Slide 10 - Open question

I feel comfortable answering questions on lists.

Slide 11 - Poll