SpeakOut lesson 4a: Success

SpeakOut lesson 4a: Success
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 19 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

SpeakOut lesson 4a: Success

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Goals of this class
Speaking: intentions or plan? You are going to talk about New Year's resolutions.

Vocabulary: success

Grammar:modals for rules and advice

Writing: giving advice using modal verbs

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make a list 1-5 most important
for each number add: W (will) intention/promise or G (going to) plan.
Which statement is most true for you?
I love winning!
I don't mind if I win or lose.
I hate losing more than anything else.

Slide 4 - Poll

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Doing well
working hard
carry on
being strict
giving up
bad loser

Slide 5 - Mind map

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A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that expresses possibility, ability, permission, or necessity.

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Have to/ need to/ must
We use have to/need to/must when we talk about rules and things that are necessary. 
You have no choice, or it’s a very strong suggestion:

  • You must talk to your manager about the problem.
  • We have to pay tax on the money we earn.
  • I need to get up early to catch my flight tomorrow.

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We use should/shouldn’t when we are giving advice. 
We use should to talk about things that are a good idea, and shouldn’t to talk about things that are not a good idea:

  • You should come to work in smart clothes.
  • You shouldn’t arrive late to meetings.
  • Should I wear a tie?

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To finish

Finish assignment 8a (class)
and 8b (alone)

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- Online practice 4a
- Grammar bank

Deadline for this period = February 4th.
Checkpoint ahead!

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Write down your answers
Answer questions 1-6
Go to page 147 and see if you agree with the outcome.

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Ask if students know the word 'competitive'. Competitief = concurrerend in wedstrijden etc
Write down your answers
Answer questions 1-6
Go to page 147 and see if you agree with the outcome.

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Ask if students know the word 'competitive'. Competitief = concurrerend in wedstrijden etc
Add up your total score.

Do you agree with what it says about you?

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Do exercise 4 in pairs.

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Do exercise 8 a, b and c.
If you want my advice in C, you should ask!

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