Cambridge lesson 6 B2 first

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 38 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Any questions??

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-Wordlist unit 3
- Article in write and improve (page 21, hand-in in Teams)
- Listening part 3 exam task (page 25)
- Modal verbs ( assignment 1, 2 and 3, page 26)
- Adverbs of degree ( assignment 1, page 27)

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Today's class
  • Questions about homework
  • Starter: Modal verbs check

  • Main course:
- Speaking part 3
- dependent prepositions

  • Dessert: how to plan an essay?

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Modal verbs

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Quiz: present simple vs. present continuous (zie link in planner)
Can / be able to
Could/ May/ Might
Can't / Couldn't (have)
Must (have been)
Must/ Have to
Don't have to
Don't need to
Can (t)/ May/Must (n't)
Should(n't) / Ought to

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Modal verbs
Modal verbs
No obligation/ unnecessary
Can / be able to
Could/ May/ Might
Can't / Couldn't (have)
Must (have been)
Must/ Have to
Don't have to
Don't need to
Can (t)/ May/Must (n't)
I am not able to read without my glasses.
You can see the mountains from my balcony.
The restaurant might/ may/ could close.
He can't lift that. It's too heavy.
He couldn’t lift that. It was too heavy.
She must have lots of friends.
She must have been very scared.

Everyone must report to me before they go home
This new law means that we have to pay more.
You don't have to do that!
You don't need to tell me that!
You needn't worry about that!
You can (t)/ may/must (n't) tell me!

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Main course

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Unit 3 objectives
Topics: travel and tourism, transport, festivals and customs.
Grammar: modal verbs, adverbs of degree, dependent prepositions.

  • Reading and Use of English part 1 and 5
  • Writing part 1 : essay (using linking expressions)
  • Listening part 3
  • Speaking part 3 (using modal verbs to speculate)

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Speaking part 3.

Speaking bank: page 134
Useful language: page 139

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Bladzijde 27 student's book.
Speaking part 3
Part 1: conversation between the examinor and each candidate (spoken questions)
Part 2: You and the other candidate(s) each speak for 1 minute about two
photographs. After the other candidate has spoken, you also have
30 seconds to respond to what they said
Part 3: You and the other candidate(s) speak together about five given prompt (3 minutes)

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Go to exam task on page 27.
Look at the prompts. 
For each prompt think of arguments you can use to talk about the different topics.

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Go to exam task on page 27.

Talk about the prompts for 2 minutes.

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Dependent prepositions
are those which always follow a verb, noun or adjective.

You need to learn these expressions and phrases as fixed 'chunks' of language.

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Dependent prepositions
Look at the words in the blue box:

Which prepostion (to, with, of)
must be used for each of the words.

Work in pairs

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Dependent prepositions

Page 28:
exercise 2

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word/phrase + to

in relation to
In response to
obliged to
prepared to
required to
sensitive to
supposed to
with regard to

about to
belong to
bound to
compared to
object to
opposed to
tend to

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word/phrase + with

familiar with
fed up with
in connection with
involved with
(have) nothing to do with
obsessed with
the trouble with


along with
associated with
beginning with
compared with
dissapointed with
have a word with
pleased with
satisfied with

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word/phrase + of

ashamed of
capable of
conscious of
in need of
in place of
in terms of
in view of
informed of
sort of


afraid of
approve of
aware of
jealous of
no sign of
proud of
 take care of

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Writing part 1:
the Essay: page 118/119

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The mark scheme
1: Content
2: Communicative achievement
3: Organisation
4: Language

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Put the paragraphs in the right order!
1 minute

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- start with a general statement about the topic.
- rephrase the essay question.
Ask yourself the questions:
- What is the topic?
- What is the question?

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The essay question

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Using the prompts

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You must use all the prompts

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add a prompt
Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for children?
1. having a parent as a teacher
2. making friends
3. ????

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Think of arguments
Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for children?
1. having a parent as a teacher
2. making friends
3. your own prompt

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Random or logical?

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Paragraph 2 and 3 show disadvantages to the essay question and use inversion to link the ideas together.
Paragraph 4 shows contrast to paragraph 2/3 and uses a concessive clause.

The conclusion

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Introduction: 1 paragraph
- start with a general statement about the topic and ask your question.

Middle part: three paragraphs
- structurize your prompt paragraphs.

-conclusion: 1 paragraph
-sum up your essay and answer the question with your own opinion.
use 140 - 190 words in total

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Task: brainstorm your prompts
Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for children?

Write about:
1. having a parent as a teacher
2. making friends
3. your own idea

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First: plan your essay
1. What is the topic of the essay?
2. What is the question (rephrase)?
3. Think of your own prompt
4. Put the prompts in a logical order (agree/disagree)
5. Write down useful phrases for each prompt

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Students write their essay and bring to essay to class.

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-Wordlist unit 3
- Article in write and improve (page 21, hand-in in Teams)
- Dependent prepositions (page 28) exam task.
- Plan your essay: fill in the grid: take with you to class.

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