FL1 lesson 25 wisbordjes

Phone in phonebox + take erase board and marker                             

books+notebook+ diary + pen  on table

Homework (5)
Looking back (5)
This lesson (5)

Expl telling time (10)
M ex 2, 5a & 6 +
Check (30)

Speak ex 5b (5)

Goals check (5)
Next (5)
1 / 19
Slide 1: Slide
CambridgeMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 19 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

Phone in phonebox + take erase board and marker                             

books+notebook+ diary + pen  on table

Homework (5)
Looking back (5)
This lesson (5)

Expl telling time (10)
M ex 2, 5a & 6 +
Check (30)

Speak ex 5b (5)

Goals check (5)
Next (5)

Slide 1 - Slide

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In diary
Monday the 20th of February (5th):
Lr vocab p77

Wedn 22nd of Feb (4th):
Lr chunks p78

Fri the 24th of Feb (1st):
Lr chunks p 80

Homework (5)
Looking back (5)
This lesson (5)

Expl telling time (10)
M ex 2, 5a & 6 +
Check (30)

Speak ex 5b (5)

Goals check (5)
Next (5)

Slide 2 - Slide

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Previous lesson
On my ideal holiday, I.........

I wouldn't want to........, because...........
Homework (5)
Looking back (5)
This lesson (5)

Expl telling time (10)
M ex 2, 5a & 6 +
Check (30)

Speak ex 5b (5)

Goals check (5)
Next (5)

Slide 3 - Slide

talking about ideal holiday
Lesson 25
Today's goals: 
At the end of this lesson you:
- can talk about time
- can make a suggestion to meet at a certain time and place

Slide 4 - Slide

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Goals check- write answer on erase boards

Slide 5 - Slide

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Today - write answer on erase boards

Slide 6 - Slide

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Today - write answer on erase boards

Slide 7 - Slide

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a quarter to 
a quarter past

Slide 8 - Slide

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Slide 9 - Slide

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Which words do we need to tell the time in English?
o'clock (heel uur)
half past (half uur)
past (over) + to (voor)
quarter to (kwart voor)
quarter past (kwart over) 

Slide 10 - Slide

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Het is half zeven.
Het is een half uur na 6 uur. 
Daarom - It is half past six (6)

Het is half acht. 
It is half past ...

Het is half twee. 
It is half past .......

Slide 11 - Slide

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Lesson 25
Today's goals: 
At the end of this lesson you:
- can talk about time
- can make a suggestion to meet at a certain time and place

Slide 12 - Slide

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TB p72
M ex 2,4, 5a & 6

Done? Lr vocab p77

At 9.00: speak ex 5b
Homework (5)
Looking back (5)
This lesson (5)

Expl telling time (10)
M ex 2, 5a & 6 +
Check (30)

Speak ex 5b (5)

Goals check (5)
Next (5)

Slide 13 - Slide

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Lesson 25
Today's goals: 
At the end of this lesson you:
- can talk about time
- can make a suggestion to meet at a certain time and place

Slide 14 - Slide

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Goals check- write answer on erase boards

Slide 15 - Slide

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Goals check- write answer on erase boards

Your best friend needs to buy a gift. You're going to help him/her
Make a suggestion for a time and place to meet.
Write down 2 ways in which you suggest when and where to meet.

Slide 16 - Slide

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Homework & next lesson
Monday the 20th of February (5th):
Lr chunks p72

Next lesson: understanding a detailed description and describing outfits

Slide 17 - Slide

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Slide 18 - Slide

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Slide 19 - Video

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